I'm in the grower category, so I can either be pretty big or really small, so it's great for this 'fetish' I guess. For example, when I swim, I can get pretty small - the cold water helps of course - and I don't mind when I get out of the water, and I'm sporting a small VPL if pointed sideways, or a small nub, if pointed down.
I usually lay out and tan after swimming outside, so depending on my mood, I'll either position my cock sideways, which creates a good size and obvious sideways VPL, or straight down, which eliminates the bulge almost all together. If I'm wearing a tight water polo suit like a Turbo, and I point it down, I literally have zero bulge. It's kind of exciting when people see it, and no doubt they're thinking why in the hell would he wear a speedo with such a tiny package.

So just curious what others preferences are, and if anyone has a small bulge fetish?