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Wearing openly - Thoughts After a Few Weeks

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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Wearing openly - Thoughts After a Few Weeks

Post by 52dno98 » Mon Jun 27, 2016 11:59 am

So I've gotten into swimming laps 4+ days a week, and wearing a brief in public is becoming routine (though it's still REALLY thrilling). A few observations-

I think I'm the only lap swimmer at our gym who wears briefs. I haven't had a chance to swim with our Masters group, where I think there might logically be some speedo guys, but other than one guy in a drag suit, every lap swimmer that I've encountered has been in jammers.

I told my wife. She said, "if you're swimming laps so much we need to get you another swim suit" (meaning board shorts). So I said something like, "uh, about that... I actually haven't been swimming in these shorts... I got a couple of suits to swim laps in that I wear under these shorts." And she said, "did you buy a speedo?" I told her I had tried and didn't care for jammers, and that everyone on the internet says you should never swim laps in board shorts, so I bought a speedo. I'd really hoped that she would have asked for a fashion show, or had mentioned anything else about it, but she hasn't said anything more.

Finally, I really like swimming as exercise! Part of the motivation is of course wearing in public, but I actually enjoy swimming, too!

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Re: Wearing openly - Thoughts After a Few Weeks

Post by frankjath » Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:26 pm

That's awesome! Even if the other guys don't wear speedos keep doing it who knows maybe they will see you and try a pair.

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