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Your Swim Routine

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Your Swim Routine

Post by Nate » Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:45 am

So I was wondering - does anyone here actually swim regularly?

If so, do you have a specific routine/workout you like to do? A set distance/time? Or do you just jump in and go back and forth until your tired?

Was thinking it'd be cool to share workouts and routines and for those who don't often attend a pool, they can try out a routine that someone else does. Or for those who go often, they can steal someone else's routine and mix things up a bit.

I swim at least three times a week. Usually at a 25m pool but I try and go to the 50m in the city a few times to mix things up. I used to do 40 lengths monday and wednesday (1km) and then a mile (64 lengths) on friday but lately I've progressed to doing one mile every single session. I've started to build more of a 'session' now in sets rather than just doing 40/64 lengths as quick as I can and then jumping out. Here's the session I do at the 25m pool as much as I can. All of this is in front crawl, when I'm feeling adventurous I mix it up with other strokes but I prefer front crawl.

(I've explained what some of the drills are, sorry if it sounds patronising. Once upon a time I used to read swim workouts completely baffled so I hope they help those who don't often read them hah)

200m warm-up

50m left hand (front crawl with right hand on a kickboard)
50m pull (with pullbouy between legs)
50m right hand (front crawl with left hand on the kickboard)
50m kick (holding a kickboard and just kicking your legs)

1600m main set

100m cool down

Now, I'm no personal trainer nor do I have any experience in club swimming so I don't know if this set is "wrong" for anyone to do physically. I manage it and I enjoy doing it.

So anyone else got any routines or workouts?

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uni swimmer
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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by uni swimmer » Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:34 am

Hey Nate great idea.

I swim I swim twice a week and swim a mile each time. I go with my friend so if I get tired I can get some motivation.

There is no room for boards and stuff at the pool where I go its always too busy.

Do you do any dry land training I finished uni for the summer now so was looking to train a bit harder.
thanks. Sam

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by 5t9 » Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:12 am

My highrise pool is very small (15 meters long). I used to count crossings, but now I go by time.

I do 2 hours daily, backstroke on the away trips, and alternating front crawl with breast stroke on the return trips. I've tried pushing it to 3 hours, but there's always hell to pay the next day with soreness. As well, the pool chemical makes me itch after long exposure. Maybe I can work up to it eventually!

Sometimes I use a kickboard to work my legs/butt some extra.

Swimming in freshwater during summer, I go by distance. I paced out the approximate distances between landmarks on the shore (boathouses, rocks, etc.) and do several crossings until I reach 1 km. I do this early a.m. and at sunset.

I do other exercise, but swimming is my favourite.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by nalpages » Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:15 am

I do. I go about four times a week and swim between 1 and 1.5 km each visit. But similarly I've never been on a team or anything so I just swim front crawl and don't much know if I could improve in some way. Ought to watch some instructional videos on Youtube or something.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Nate » Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:50 pm

uni swimmer wrote:Hey Nate great idea.

I swim I swim twice a week and swim a mile each time. I go with my friend so if I get tired I can get some motivation.

There is no room for boards and stuff at the pool where I go its always too busy.

Do you do any dry land training I finished uni for the summer now so was looking to train a bit harder.
thanks. Sam
I try to do some dryland training as often as possible between swim sessions and work.

Exercises to strengthen your core muscles will help with swimming, so planking and crunches are extremely good. Try side planks and scissor planks too and crunches with legs elevated. Mixes things up and works all area of your 'core'. - and of course, you'll get a flatter stomach and great abs at the end of it - win/win!

Also, I found that dryland cardio really helped with my endurance in the pool. The more I ran and cycled, the more I found I swan before getting tired. So do lots of cardio!

5t9 - 2 hours is alot! The most I think I've ever swam is 1 hour. I had a session to myself where instead of having a set distance, I set myself the time of 1 hour and swum as much as I could in the hour. I ended up doing 100 lengths (2500m). I'll have to do it more often but most of the sessions at my local pool are usually only an hour long and by the time you get changed you've lost 5 minutes and you usually have to get out of the pool 5 minutes before the hour so they can prepare for the next session.

nalpages - look up 'Total Immersion Swimming'. I bought a book on it and found it really helped with my swimming. I'm sure there's videos on YouTube on it too, check it out if you need a little instructional sorta video.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by speedoswimmer » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:30 pm

I swim in the 25m pool on my college's campus. I do 20 laps in total, just freestyle. I take breaths every 5 strokes, this allows me to alternate sides every breath. For me that's easier than remembering to switch sides every length.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Nate » Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:32 pm

speedoswimmer wrote:I swim in the 25m pool on my college's campus. I do 20 laps in total, just freestyle. I take breaths every 5 strokes, this allows me to alternate sides every breath. For me that's easier than remembering to switch sides every length.
I breathe every 3 strokes. I've tried experimenting with 5 and 7 strokes but find I'm gasping for air and don't take enough in when I do more than 3. Although, haven't tried it in awhile, I'm assuming my lung capacity is better than it was a few months ago so I'll let you know how it goes hah

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by speedoswimmer » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:14 pm

Yeah, 5 is my sweet spot. I sometimes find myself accidentally go 7 early in a lap, then switch back to 5 cuz I can't sustain 7.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by PeterSF » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:41 pm

I try to swim every day, half a mile. Breast stroke, with every 5th length front crawl. May sound boring but helps to keep me in trim, and gives mental space. For me it's the mental - almost spiritual - side that matters more, Diving into the welcoming yet hostile water, immersing yourself, letting the things of life wash over you, the feel of the water flowing over the body, like satin on skin.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Bospeedodude » Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:14 pm

I swim 3-4 times per week, my usual routine is as follows:

500-1,000 yards warm up
200-300 yards with pull buoy
2 x 200 yards with pull buoy and fingerboards
2 x 200 yards medley of freestyle and breaststroke, alternating at turns
3 x 100 yards of kicks with flippers (100 back, 100 side, 100 front)
2 to 4 x 50 yard freestyle with large hand-paddles

Variations depend on time and what I feel like doing.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by tanned bum » Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:51 am

100 yards every morning
300 yards every night.
More on weekends.
It would be more but my pool isn't as large as I would like it.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Nate » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:54 pm

Just thought I'd pop by and share with you guys my swim plan for tomorrow. I haven't been in the pool for a week due to a dental emergency, but now I'm all recovered I'm going to get back in the pool and take my swimming up a notch to the next level.

I found this endurance workout somewhere on the net so I'm going to head to the 50m pool with my Nike speedos and do this

10 minute warm-up mixed strokes

3x400m (30 sec rests between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breaststroke)
1 minute rest
3x300m (30 sec rest between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breastroke)
1 minute rest
3x200m (30 sec rest between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breastroke)
1 minute rest
3x100m (30 sec rest between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breastroke)

Cool down 200m front crawl, slow and steady pace.

All in all, I think that's well over 3000m which will be a big step up from my usual 1 mile swim but with the rests and sets I think I'll be able to pull it off.

I'll update you guys tomorrow and if I get a chance I'll get some photos!

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Nate » Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:59 pm

Nate wrote:
10 minute warm-up mixed strokes

3x400m (30 sec rests between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breaststroke)
1 minute rest
3x300m (30 sec rest between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breastroke)
1 minute rest
3x200m (30 sec rest between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breastroke)
1 minute rest
3x100m (30 sec rest between sets) (1st and 2nd set: front crawl 3rd set: breastroke)

Cool down 200m front crawl, slow and steady pace.
Finished this earlier, didn't actually expect to complete it but I did. The fact it starts off harder and gets easier is very good, you swim long distances but you don't get too tired. I highly recommend this workout if anyone wants to try something new or push themselves a bit more.

And as promised, here's a few pics of the trunks I wore!

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by 5t9 » Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:05 am

Damn, Nate, that routine sounds pret-ty in-tense, don't know if I'm up to it, but you have obviously gotten great results!

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Nate » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:35 am

5t9 wrote:Damn, Nate, that routine sounds pret-ty in-tense, don't know if I'm up to it, but you have obviously gotten great results!
Thanks mate, swimming is great for physical and mental wellbeing! Can't wait to start my swim teaching course in the next year or so and share my passion with people and getting them in the water too.

I fricking love swimming, so here's a little bit of 'swimspiration' for anyone contemplating going to the pool today:


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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by 5t9 » Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:42 am

Ah, you speak the truth, Nate! Nothin' like swimming. I caught on rather later in life (just shy of 30), and have spent so much time in the water ever since. The bouyancy, the fluiditiy, the freedom of movement, it's totally otherwordly.

I'm a slow mover, but the guards in our highrise pool tell me my endurance is good, as I am steady and don't take many breaks in my 2-hour sessions.

I'd move to AUS just to take your swimming course, hell, sounds like it'd be worth the 40+ hour flight over there/&back once a week just to have the lessons. I'd have permanent red-eye from the jet-lag, but, what-the-hay!

(BTW, nice pics of Adrian on the other thread. He's so fine. Mmmmmm)

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Snowbrief » Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:35 am

Nate, I'm exhausted after reading your routine! Wish I could reply with a personal practice, but the gym I belong to has 25 yard shallow pool (lap pool only), but is so crowded it just became too un-enjoyable.

Your practice is doing you good justice, nice pics, and your avitar is awe-inspiring!
Let's keep it brief.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by uni swimmer » Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:03 am

hey guys im pretty new to swimming over the last year or so, but is it better to swim a lot of laps or swim a few than take breaks, which is better.

Thanks lads, Sam

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by Nate » Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:25 am

uni swimmer wrote:hey guys im pretty new to swimming over the last year or so, but is it better to swim a lot of laps or swim a few than take breaks, which is better.

Thanks lads, Sam
I'm no expert, but I'd say vary it.
Swimming lots of laps is great because you're building up your endurance and constantly working your body, however, taking rests is good because you can swim more overall throughout the entire session - gradually try reducing the rests from 1min to 30sec to 20sec, or try gradually increasing the lengths of the sets until you find you can swim more and more.

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Re: Your Swim Routine

Post by uni swimmer » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:16 pm

thanks nate I try not to stop at all but was just wondering if I should be. :)

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