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Dave 'Speedo' Evans
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What do you want in a speedo movie?

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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What do you want in a speedo movie?

Post by DaveSpeedoEvans » Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:50 pm

A little while ago I was approached by a producer in Europe who had some really hot models and he wanted to shoot some solo guys scenes for me.

After a bit of back and forth everything has been put in place and he is shooting this coming week.

He has asked me what I want in the scene. I sent him a pair of white Dave Evans speedos and I’d like the model to stay in the speedos pretty much the entire clip, I’d like him to cover in or on his speedos and I’d like to watch him rubbing his cock through the white lycra of his ‘Dave Evans Swimwear’.

Anything you guys would like to add to it? Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll have uploaded the movie and the stills.


I'm pretty sure I'm the biggest speedo enthusiast on the planet.

Read my blog - www.AussieSpeedoGuy.org
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Re: What do you want in a speedo movie?

Post by tannedbum » Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:09 pm

How about some guys in action on a raft in the pool in white, yellow, powder blue or pink nylon so we can see the goods with out the suits coming off - or at least totally off.
Hot make out in the outdoor shower - again with the speedos still on.
You'll need to get some other brands and cuts so it won't look like a Dave Evans Swimsuit commercial. From what I understand, you don't have any left to sell so don't get guys too excited over something they can't buy.

Really glad they came to you for suggestions and advice. We need speedos represented better in guy on guy films!

speedo sam

Re: What do you want in a speedo movie?

Post by speedo sam » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:21 am

has to be a bit of speedo, bulge on bulge rubbing, its the way forward :D


Re: What do you want in a speedo movie?

Post by Scotty » Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:21 pm

I kinda like the idea of a hot guy in a Speedo who walks up to a deserted pool ... decides to shuck the Speedo and dive in. While he's enjoying his swim, and probably while he's at the far end of the pool from his Speedo, a bunch of other hot guys in Speedos show up ... then you can do all kinds of things with the awkwardness of the guy realizing he's naked, trying to either cover it up, or pretending he's somehow not naked ... then finding out that the other guys know but really have no problem with it ... After all that, it can degrade into either just horsing around, or a full-on group sex scene :mrgreen: (just my two cents)

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