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Chavvy Girls

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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Great Britain

Chavvy Girls

Post by Papadoop » Sat May 04, 2019 11:41 am

Another one that really makes my blood boil is loud chavvy girls.
Today i was in my local pool and there were 3 girls one looked like she was sent from heaven, slim, tanned black hair and black bikini she was like a dark version of cheryl cole, i was in the pool thinking shes alright and she had one fat girl mate and a ugly ginger one who looked a bit out to lunch.
Anyway i enter the sauna and they start giggling i look and they just look away, but the dark girl the minute she opened her mouth it was a turn off, loud and foul mouthed and her mates werent too far off her.
Anyway after 10 mins i exit for a shower and can hear them slagging me off, the loud one is like 'eeewwww see him in his undies then hahahaha', fat one had the cheek to say, 'Bad Ball Crushers them knocking me sick' then the loud one said, 'whats he wearing them for? No one wears them anymore definately hasnt got a bird him', i was dying to go in and confront them, i mean its okay for the dark girl to wear a bikini revealing more than i was and im wearing plain black swim briefs that arent even that skimpy but its okay for her to wear what she wants but i cant apparently :roll:

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Re: Chavvy Girls

Post by Norfcountryboy » Mon May 06, 2019 7:13 am

Ah, so you must be worth looking at in Speedo's otherwise they wouldn't have noticed you, yeah?

It's their way of having a reason to check you out without any of them risking stating whether or not they "Fancy" you. Groups of girls giggle when they've been caught eyeing someone up.
So bikini girl is top-bitch, fat girl is beta female and ugly-tree is the gamma one, female relationships are seriously fucked, lads take the piss out of each other but they're rarely trying to fit in and not stick their necks above the parapet like girls. Ginger one especially sounds like she'd have no social status if she wasn't with top-bitch and you can bet that top-bitch only hangs out with other girls who are less hot than she is, so she looks better and has not competition. When it's just the 3 of em I reckon they'll treat the ginger one shocking! Neither of them are gonna contradict top-bitches opinion and top bitch probably has a boyfriend who slaps her about so she isn't gonna say "Yeah, I'd have him" incase it gets back to her boyfriend and she's knows it could because she knows she treats her mates like shit so they've no reason to be loyal.
Real men wear Speedo's

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