G'day Guys,
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If you are a guest, you can only see a small portion of the forum. Members like posting their speedo selfies so I don't like that to be 100% public. However, joining is free.
If you are a new member, you need to email me your username so I can manually activate your account. This is a pain (for you and me) but it is the only way I've been able to keep the spam bots from ruining the forum. My email address is: DaveEvans@SpeedoFetish.com
This forum is free and I don't allow any advertising (except my own sites), if you would like to donate please click the link above, all donations go towards the hosting and maintenance of the forum for everyone to enjoy.
Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast
Welcome to the Speedo Forum.
If you are a guest, you can only see a small portion of the forum. Members like posting their speedo selfies so I don't like that to be 100% public. However, joining is free.
If you are a new member, you need to email me your username so I can manually activate your account. This is a pain (for you and me) but it is the only way I've been able to keep the spam bots from ruining the forum. My email address is: DaveEvans@SpeedoFetish.com
This forum is free and I don't allow any advertising (except my own sites), if you would like to donate please click the link above, all donations go towards the hosting and maintenance of the forum for everyone to enjoy.
Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast
What's the oldest guy you've been with
Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans
older guy?
Well guys there are all types of men in our world and there are some that like the youung boys, I am not sure if you have noticed but it seems like your calling all men over 40 old and that they are pedifiles. Well In my profile information I always request that the men that approach me be in thier 40, I find it difficult to relate to younger men , most have not experenced they same things I have and its difficult to chat. So when I was in my early 20 the oldest guys I was with was 35 ish and now 52 , so as some of you have stated he was older but knew how to use his tools. SO just remeber that there are all kinds of men in out world and try not to be to judge mental its tuff to grow older in such a youth culture and the gay world can be very tuff and can treat the older bothers disrespectfully. NVseacreature