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Something That is on My Mind

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by mancspeedoboy » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:17 pm

aussiebumfan wrote:it has always been a laughing point (don't take that the wrong way) mancspeedoboy, that Britain has no beaches as such, and not the greatest weather (except down south). Do you think that because you don't have a beach culture as such, that may influence what people wear or don't wear to the beach? Or the availability of a wide range of swimwear?
I think it's the conservative American culture that has seeped in that is the main influence on what Brits wear. It's not that Brits themselves have become more conservative, but rather America is influencing what we see as "the norm". Most of our films are American and American males wear shorts, briefs are seen as something unfashionable or gay men wear. I think that there are many British men (and a lot of women) who would love them to be fashionable again (I can tell from their admiring faces), but the insiduous American conservatism that is rubbing off on British youth means that showing willy=bad but showing tits and fanny=good (which is why women in all shapes and sizes wear tiny bikinis).

Britain does have a beach culture in that British people love beaches, maybe not our own, but most Brits holiday annually in Europe, where speedos tend to be worn in greater numbers. It doesn't seem to affect what the Brits themselves are wearing back home though. Though with that said, in recent years there are growing numbers of males wearing the tight square-cut speedos, maybe even reaching a 50:50 split for adults. Good too I say. Brits get your trunks back on, swimming in big baggy water-soaked shorts is completely ridiculous.

Wear the British flag with pride!
aa.jpg (40.73 KiB) Viewed 5894 times


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:11 pm

Nice swimmers (and bod) by the way. Yeah, it's funny the different influences from different cultures. I think (or perhaps hope) that there is a movement away from American culture in places like Britain & Australia. As far as things like mini series, reality shows and movies, I'd rather watch stuff from Britain any day ("The Only Way is Essex" is the campest show on cable at the moment). I think we are sick of American predictability, the dumbing down of sexuality which American shows are good at, and stretching shows out way past there use-by-date (just look at current series of "true Blood) are moving people away, and perhaps a flow on from that will be movement away from conservatism. In reality, neither Britain nor Australia are conservative cultures by nature (I'm talking population, not government), and a swing to conservatism is strange for both countries. It has always been more acceptable for women to show their tits than for men to show cock - I think tits are seen as less intimidating than an obvious cock bulge - and tits are also above the waist, and cock is below. I did think that article on the elderly lifeguard who had been fired from his job because he wouldn't wear Speedo's a really odd thing - even over here the lifesavers have taken to wearing shorts now (except in the Mardi Gras parade), though Speedo's aren't banned by any means, and the Nippers (kids being trained to be future lifesavers) still wear Speedo's so it is not as if the culture is being stifled. As you would know we are a beach culture country, and I'm inclined to think that it is just a fashion trend. As I mentioned earlier, boardies are worn as casual wear here so that alone has brought about a swing to wearing them. Over here the surfie culture is also very strong and i think that has a lot to do with it as well.
Last edited by aussiebumfan on Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by JohnC » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:13 pm

The beaches in California may not have a lot of speedos, but on a good day at the pool I don't see any shorts or jammers. Some guys will wear drag suits, others speedos. Most of them are going there to swim laps though. I always feel totally comfortable and don't get the "I'm the only" one feeling that I get in Pennsylvania. Hopefully it is a trend that will spread. This doesn't answer the original question about why the stores don't carry speedos...
Photo on 2011-08-21 at 22.00.jpg
Photo on 2011-08-21 at 22.00.jpg (70.31 KiB) Viewed 5867 times


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:37 pm

If that is you in photo johnc, post some more shots! Nice! I don't think your comments have gone off the thread - just diversified it. It's been an interesting thread, and yeah, you sometimes have to look outside the box for other reasons why guys wear various swimwear - they could be in training, they could be competitive swimmers - there are a whole lot of reasons. Like you, it has never worried me wearing Speedo's at the beach or at the pool - but that's me. We did have a bit of an issue here recently where one of our politicians (the leader of the opposition and shadow prime minister) was photographed on several occasions at the beach in his Speedo's. It caused quite a ruckus. Now, I'm not saying that he is the most attractive of men, and he seriously needs some manscaping but he is a real fitness fanatic, and for a man 50 yo has a great body. he exercises and cycles everyday, and is a real credit to men his age. But the fact that he was a pollie, and caught wearing Speedo's, for some unknown reason, seemed to create a real backlash - especially amongst women. Because they are called "budgie-smugglers" (If you need an explanation let me know) over here there was a lot of supposedly humorous headlines and photo's in the daily press and on the current affairs programs, and the poor guy (unlike me to say that as i hate his political views) was so lambasted he nows wears swim shorts when he does anything at the beach. Now, this is an Aussie guy, raised on the tradition of Speedo's (especially at his age) in the country where Speedo's were born - yet derided for wearing what many would consider a national beach outfit. You know, there wouldn't have been the same reaction if there was just some ordinary guy swimming at the beach - it all seemed to hinge around him being a politician. It was all a bit strange, and a bit prejudicial I have to say. It was almost like reverse sexism. Maybe politicians aren't supposed to have cocks...let's not go there!
Last edited by aussiebumfan on Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by frankjath » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:54 pm

I like the conversation we have going on here! Like you guys it doesn't bother me to wear speedos at the beach or pool, I haven't had the courage to wear my thong to the beach yet but have worn it in my pool at home. Just recently I wore my smallest swimsuit (well thats not a thong) to the beach. It is my red Joy Snyder Bikini with full back. Although the beach wasn't that full as it was over cast. I remember my first time I saw a speedo. It was at a sporting goods store and I must have been 13 at the time. My dad saw one on display and told me I should buy one, but I started laughing and shrugged it off. Then when I turned 16 my cousions had come to vist from out of state and we had to go to a sporting good store as they had forgotten something, so I asked my mom if I could get a speedo and she said okay with out blinking an eye. Ever since I have worn speedos for all water activities. Being 19 it would be nice to see other guys my age wearing them. JohnC I know what you mean, I use to go to a pool before my parents put one in at our house, and most of the guys there would wear speedos because they were doing laps in the lap pool. I also think that it dependes on which beach you go to because I went to La Jolla beach which is a bigger beach and I saw more guys wearing speedos, but at smaller beaches such as Encinitas or Carlsbad it is rare. Hopefully once guys get over the stigma that their sexuality determines how they dress then more guys will find out what they have been missing out on.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by Duncandude » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:28 am

Obesity is definitely an issue with speedos. Personally, I think a big belly is more embarrassing than a small willy. (Some guys might disagree). Speedos look best on guys who have beautifully proportioned physiques. It's about the whole package as much as that other "package." :P

I wish guys used speedos as inspiration - inspiration to get a great, well-proportioned body they can be proud of showing.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:40 pm

Yeah, obesity is a real problem everywhere at the moment. I have never really been obese, but a couple of years ago I really started to pack on weight. Getting older had a lot to do with it, though some lifestyle choices didn't help. I started to get flabby around the waist and tit's got flabby - I certainly stopped wearing Speedo's at my local pool because I was aware of it. However, I made this snap decision to do something about it (as a gay guy I like to groom and dress well and the whole out-of-condition look just didn't go with both those things), joined a gym and haven't looked back. Okay, I don't look as defined as a lot of the guys on this board but I'm in pretty good shape and not ashamed to be seen out in Speedo's these days - or in anything else that shows off my body. It was a great decision and i haven't looked back. It was never my intention to be really defined - just to look fit and healthy, which i have achieved. In fact, I'm off to the gym as soon as I post this...


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by JohnC » Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:39 pm

I don't think guys at the pool in California seem that concerned about the "stigma." I've seen board shorts come off at the pool to reveal speedos, and say "hey, do you want to know what's a laugh, I have my speedos on under these." Once a guy sees so many other guys dressed properly for the pool, the shorts come off pretty quick. I'm sure the girls like it too. I've also overheard comments in the the locker room, "I think I'm going to get some speedos." It the best, I love moments like those. I don't understand how anyone can stand wet fabric down to their knees, it feels horrible. Its me the the photos, thanks for the comment. Here is a tyr I always used to wear for swimming.
Photo on 2011-08-22 at 22.24.jpg
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Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by AB FAV » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:41 pm

Wow you guys are really into some deep conversation about a flimsy piece of nylon - here is my two cents about it - guys are simply very self conscious about their bodies


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:09 pm

Yeah, its turned into a really interesting thread considering where it started. Shame I'm not still at Uni - I could turn it into a thesis. The modern truth is - guys ARE self-conscious about their bodies, which really begs the question...if that is so, why is there so much obesity. I get the impression that the more we push the subject, the more evryday it becomes, and the less impact it has. You have to be in a particular headspace to really do something about being overweight. You need your kids to comment on it (or your partner), or to realise that your clothing sizes are going up, or that you are embarrassed about being seen out in a singlet, or Speedo's, or you try hiding your shape under baggy clothing (like boardies), or you place yourself in a space where no one can see you in the change rooms at gym or swimming pool or wherever. Once that dawns home, you decide to do something about it. For me, it was starting to wear baggy clothing (and being aware that I was doing it) to give me the impetus to make changes. In the modern world, body image for men and women has become a big issue - and i personally don't think that it is right that mags like "Men's Health" push an ideal that is out of reach for a lot of guys - they give the impression that you have to have a six-pack, pecs from hell and the perfect V-shaped body to be fit and healthy which isn't really what it is all about. They need to set guys more realistic goals, and then maybe a lot more guys will take care of themselves.

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Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by AB FAV » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:23 pm

It is easy to be obese. Eat whatever you want, when you want and as much as you want.

Being fit requires discipline, something most people lack, especially when it comes to food. I am no exception but fortunately I have a fast metabolism and I swim 3-4x a week to stay in shape.

I love a great buffet as much as the next person BUT I limit myself to trips and eat fruit for dessert.

Yes there are a lot of obese people and what I find in bu interesting is how freaked out people get in the spring knowing summer and beachtime is coming and that requires a swimsuit. My vote - start eating healthier in December.

Yeah I've been down the wear baggy clothes road too. Very slim guys tend to do it to hide. I don't do that anymore. I wear everything tailored - not tight, but tailored. I no longer try to hide the slimness that I consider an asset but rather present it as best I can. Later for baggy clothes - they can make you look out of shape.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:20 pm

For people to start eating a more healthy diet, there has to be a lot of social and corporate changes to bring it about - get the mega fast-food chains to stop making their food so cheap that it is a viable alternative to healthy eating to start with. For those who are economically disadvantaged, it is easier to go to any of these chains and have a meal, as it costs the same or less than going to the supermarket or your local green grocer and buying the items and going home and preparing them. It is all well and good to say that people need to eat a more healthy diet, but where are the ads, or the articles in the mainstream media that present healthy eating as a cheap and viable alternative to fast food? Yes, you and I, and probably a lot of other guys on this board eat healthily, but it's a choice that we have made to fit in with a healthier lifestyle. It hasn't been driven by peer pressure, or excuses like "I don't have the time" or "I'm too busy" or "I'm too tired", or by financial restraints. I went to University only a few years ago to get my degree in writing (yes, I do freelance writing, so be afraid!), and the young guys there are living on the smell of an oily rag, so fast food is their life. You and i know that it takes only 30 minutes to throw a stir-fry or a salad together, but people don't stop and think, when they complain that they don't have the 30 minutes to do it, that they have already spent that time standing in a line or driving to a fast food outlet, so I guess perspective comes into it as well.
As i said earlier, we also have to make people realise that being fit and healthy isn't JUST about being muscled and tanned. it is about moderate exercise, being your correct weight (and BMI), eating better without depriving yourself and just looking like you care about yourself. Until people start to respect their bodies, and realise that bad diet and lack of exercise are going to impact on the ageing pocess, they are not going to make changes. Good diet is also something that has to be taught - it doesn't come naturally. If you have lived your whole life, and all the people around you, eat unhealthy food you are not going to know it is unhealthy. It's just what you have always eaten. Schools and workplaces need to play a part in getting people to heat better. it is just not enough to say - hey, you have to eat better! It just doesn't happen that way.

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Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by AB FAV » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:08 pm

Ok - here is my reply rant... Yes there need to be some social changes and corporate perhaps.

Fast food chains, liike other businesses exist for the purpose of making money and delivering
investors a return. The are not social entities - those are non profits. You know of any non profits that are fast food chains, let me know. LOL!

No one is putting a gun to anyone's head telling them to eat fast food regardless of how cheap it is. I pass these places all the time and I choose not to eat at them - except for the rare times a month I have a craving for a fried chicken wing. I eat 4-5 to make myself happy and that is it. It is not a lifestyle.

Then again what we are talking about is a mentality I have adopted based on taking some time to learn about then implement some discipline about diet and exercise. People need to simply exercise some discipline and be responsible for their lives no relegate that to someone else.

People need to stop blaming others for their poor decision making.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:20 pm

I go to "Hungry Jack's" (an Aussie version of Macca's - I'm not a Macca's fan) about 3-4 times a year, and don't feel guilty about it either. i get an occasional craving, and have to get my 'fix'. I'm the first to say that I'm a very good cook, I cook pretty well every day, and I'm aware of what I'm cooking and putting in my body.
I don't think a lot of these people who aren't eating properly are blaming others. i think there are a lot of people who are products of their upbringing, and their environment. You (I'm assuming) and I have a very good lifestyle. I live in a beautiful house in a gorgeous suburb, surrounded by every luxury that I could possibly want, and access to every gadget ever made. I spend a lot of money on gyms, and grooming and clothes, and if I want something I just buy it. One of the advantages of my lifestyle is good education - i worked my way through school, and through various colleges and university. However, not everyone is that lucky. There are people out there who really have it tough for all sorts of reasons, and just getting by on a day-to-day basis is a battle. I don't think these people give a fuck about diet and exercise - they have other priorities. And this segment of our community is a huge portion, and these are the people that you need to get to. Yes, all this starts in the home and is carried through by schools, then your workplace with other influences like friends, peer group, your community all contributing along the way. However, if you don't have the home life for this to blossom in, then it is not going to happen. If the meeting place for your peer group is 'McDonald's", then that is where you will eat. Shit, there are people who spend all day every day in there. My peer group hangs out in gyms, cafe's and restaurants and that is perhaps where things differ the most. If you were a fly on the wall, I bet the conversation between the two social groups would be vastly different.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by Duncandude » Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:10 pm

AB FAV wrote: Yeah I've been down the wear baggy clothes road too. Very slim guys tend to do it to hide. I don't do that anymore. I wear everything tailored - not tight, but tailored. I no longer try to hide the slimness that I consider an asset but rather present it as best I can. Later for baggy clothes - they can make you look out of shape.
AB FAV, you've got a great figure for any age. I'd definitely wear tailored clothing if I was you, as well as "skinny fit" shirts, etc. You can wear the stuff the rest of us dream of.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by Duncandude » Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:16 pm

I found an interesting article called "Battle of the Bulge: Jesus Hates Speedos". I don't know how seriously to take it from a sociological perspective, but it gave me a chuckle, so I'm posting a link for California Dolphin and the other guys who have been part of this great discussion. Enjoy, fellas!

http://www.authorsden.com/categories/ar ... 9&id=37665


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:39 pm

Fucking excellent article - albiet a bit wordy, and adjective-heavy. I thought his totally unbiased view, and his fuck-them-all-if-they-don't-like-it summation was brilliant.

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Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by AB FAV » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:05 pm

I thought it was a long as "War & Peace." But, there were some comments that were accurate.

Just wear it and don't worry about people. They'll hate you if you look terrible in it anyway. And if you're got a nice body and wear one, they'll hate you because you can pull it off.

Or you can do this --- literally pull it off. So then, without a suit there is no controversary over it.
Last edited by AB FAV on Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by Matt » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:04 pm

Unfortunately I've had to buy swimwear off the web or by catalogue to get the cut and small size i need. Even for my swimteams I have to go website instead of buying locally. Don't get me started on underwear- the good stuff Jace picks up for me overseas in Europe.


Re: Something That is on My Mind

Post by aussiebumfan » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:41 pm

As an Aussie, I buy all my underwear, and a lot of swimwear from the US - Australia is very expensive, and the same goods I can get locally are a lot cheaper from oversea's, and with the current exchange rate against the USA$ even cheaper. It is worth paying the freight, as it still works out cheaper. I was buying "Score" underwear at one stage, and they were like $8 a pair - unheard of over here. No wonder everyone has started shopping online.

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