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Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast
Welcome to the Speedo Forum.
If you are a guest, you can only see a small portion of the forum. Members like posting their speedo selfies so I don't like that to be 100% public. However, joining is free.
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Dave 'Speedo' Evans
Webmaster/Speedo Enthusiast
Buying Your Very First Speedo
Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans
very kind you are, I would like to own one.(MCO)
But the friend, I sent a very nice brief( in USA), well known here
, knows how it is not easy to find one...
But if you can... I would be very glad.
I must post two pics of my last ones, black/yellow seams, and blue with two stripes left and right MCO
thank you for your word, and send me a MP if you have 5 minutes
very kind you are, I would like to own one.(MCO)
But the friend, I sent a very nice brief( in USA), well known here
But if you can... I would be very glad.
I must post two pics of my last ones, black/yellow seams, and blue with two stripes left and right MCO
thank you for your word, and send me a MP if you have 5 minutes
Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
When I was quite youg (6?) I spent the summers with my grandparents in Clearwater FL. Nana was a member of the yaght club and spent the days inside playing bridge. I was to stay at the pool all day and not bother her. She took me to the Palms pavilion on the beach to buy me a black speedo which was de'rigor at THE club.I remember the first time I tried one on. I was so excited and afraid of whether I could wear it without a constant hard on. Nana and the clerk wanted to see how it fit---OH my God --I had to try on 3 pair before they were satisfied---and they were tight. I wore that suit every day all summer until I was so comfortable in it I could have worn it in front of the Queen without a blush. So I got over being self conscience in a speed at an early age and have remained so my whole life. Ted wears speedos--thefamily accepts it as Ted---that's who I am and what I wear. ENJOY
Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
I was fascinated by the speedo at some early age before 10; I think I'll say 7 or 8. Finally got a pair to myself when I was 17; it was a purple bikini. From that point, I actually felt comfortable; perhaps too comfortable at times. I never was comfortable in shorts. I got a few turns, some where positive (Some of those positive turns were chics, WOOT!). It's been about 7 years since then and I still wear speedos. I don't buy new pairs often mind you but it feels good when I do. I currently wear a 1" Brazilian cut bikini.
Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
Speedos have always just been a part of the way things are for me. Even as a lil kid its just what I wore, thats what I was given. When I went to school it was a part of the uniform and for the swimming carnivals etc if you were not in the school speedos you got sent from the blocks! Its really interesting reading this thread as it seems in so many places its such a risk to wear them, but its not uncommon at all here. :D I love them and now that I've left school I still wear them.
Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
I was pretty young and in swimming class at a major gym with an indoor pool. My mom would drop me off during her lunch brake then she would pick me up at the end of her work day. One day I had blue genes so my mom gave the teacher some money. Then the teacher walked me to the sporting goods store three building down and told me pick a color. I picked blue. Then she went over the rack that had racing swimwear on it and grabbed two dark blue TYR briefs. I was in shock in the store. Only the older swimmers wore Speedos and the people I watched during the Olympics. I thought I was going to be that good. So I did not say anything about the suit because of this.
Next I went in to the bathroom put on a Speedo and was amazed at how different they were compared to the board shorts I normally wore. I went to practice in the pool and quickly found out how much faster I could swim and when I got out of the pool I no longer felt like I was freezing to death. I was very happy with the Speedos compared to my normal board shorts and From then on I only wanted to swim on Speedos. When practice was over I changed back into my blue genes and my mom pick me up. On the car ride home I told my mom that the Speedo was a better swimsuit. Then to my surprise she said that I could only wear board shorts and not the Speedo. I was unhappy to say the least. When we got home she took the Speedo and threw it away. But she did not know about the other one I had in my pocket. The next day I put on the Speedo and also put on normal board shorts. From then on I would ride to the pool go to the bathroom and pull off my board shorts and swim in my Speedo.
Now instead of buying candy and other junk with the allowance money from my dad I would go to the sporting good store and buy new Speedo or TYR suits. I told my mom and dad I was saving my allowance to buy a really good yo-yo. Time went by and I continued to hide my swimsuits. After two more years my mom decides that I was a good enough swimmer and pulled me out of swim classes. (In all honesty it was time. I was really fast and could do flip turns on the walls with great push offs, my entry dives were smooth as glass and I could do any stroke. ) I was depressed, I was no longer swimming and all summer long I bothered my mom that I wanted to swim but she said no more swim lessons they were to expensive now.
When summer break ended I started Junior high. The school had a huge pool and I discovered that they had a swim team. This was great. I joined the team and I could finally wear a Speedo in the water again. I always told my mom I wore board shorts like most of the guys. She said that was good. She was always working and never saw us practice.
Next year most practices and meets were Speedos and board shorts over Speedos for more drag. During one semi formal swim meet three of there guys on the away team had full body racing suits on. These looked even better than the brief I was wearing. About half way through the meet I walked over to one of the body suit people and asked them how they got those full body suits. They said there moms and dads bought the suit for them. I knew there was no way for me to get one. To my surprise one of the guys said he did not like his suit and said he liked the Speedos a lot better. So I offered to trade. So we went to the locker room and switched suits. I fell in love with the Lycra covering my whole body, arms and legs. This suit was a lot tighter then my normal downsized Speedo. I got a semi hard-on in the locker room but by the time I got out side luckily it was all the way down.
I swam my events loving this new suit. During the end of the event I high fived and talked with several competitors and teammates. By the time I went looking for the guy I switched suits with he was gone. I felt bad about not swapping suits but I was really happy I could keep this one. When we were all leaving the locker rooms the coach had noticed the suit swap during the meet and told me never do that and I could get really sick from wearing other peoples swimsuits. I did not care I loved this new suit. I wore the suit for all the events I could and did pretty good. I thanked the suit for all the speed but I am sure was a lot of me growing up. Also now that I was on a team and racing my mom and dad no longer card about me wearing Speedos or full body suit at practice or meets. They never even talked about it.
At then end of the season the local sporting good store starting selling these full body suits. I was hooked on them. Then time went by and I bought a new body suit for competition and more Speedos for practice. I then finished Junior high and high school keeping with the new technical suit trends. Now that I am in collage I am swimming in Jammers and full body suits. Now also Swimming is no longer the only thing I wear Lycra for. I am big in to riding bikes with spandex bike shorts and leotards of course. I run wearing running tights and jammers. After all these years I am still happy to have been introduced to Speedos and Lycra Clothing
Next I went in to the bathroom put on a Speedo and was amazed at how different they were compared to the board shorts I normally wore. I went to practice in the pool and quickly found out how much faster I could swim and when I got out of the pool I no longer felt like I was freezing to death. I was very happy with the Speedos compared to my normal board shorts and From then on I only wanted to swim on Speedos. When practice was over I changed back into my blue genes and my mom pick me up. On the car ride home I told my mom that the Speedo was a better swimsuit. Then to my surprise she said that I could only wear board shorts and not the Speedo. I was unhappy to say the least. When we got home she took the Speedo and threw it away. But she did not know about the other one I had in my pocket. The next day I put on the Speedo and also put on normal board shorts. From then on I would ride to the pool go to the bathroom and pull off my board shorts and swim in my Speedo.
Now instead of buying candy and other junk with the allowance money from my dad I would go to the sporting good store and buy new Speedo or TYR suits. I told my mom and dad I was saving my allowance to buy a really good yo-yo. Time went by and I continued to hide my swimsuits. After two more years my mom decides that I was a good enough swimmer and pulled me out of swim classes. (In all honesty it was time. I was really fast and could do flip turns on the walls with great push offs, my entry dives were smooth as glass and I could do any stroke. ) I was depressed, I was no longer swimming and all summer long I bothered my mom that I wanted to swim but she said no more swim lessons they were to expensive now.
When summer break ended I started Junior high. The school had a huge pool and I discovered that they had a swim team. This was great. I joined the team and I could finally wear a Speedo in the water again. I always told my mom I wore board shorts like most of the guys. She said that was good. She was always working and never saw us practice.
Next year most practices and meets were Speedos and board shorts over Speedos for more drag. During one semi formal swim meet three of there guys on the away team had full body racing suits on. These looked even better than the brief I was wearing. About half way through the meet I walked over to one of the body suit people and asked them how they got those full body suits. They said there moms and dads bought the suit for them. I knew there was no way for me to get one. To my surprise one of the guys said he did not like his suit and said he liked the Speedos a lot better. So I offered to trade. So we went to the locker room and switched suits. I fell in love with the Lycra covering my whole body, arms and legs. This suit was a lot tighter then my normal downsized Speedo. I got a semi hard-on in the locker room but by the time I got out side luckily it was all the way down.
I swam my events loving this new suit. During the end of the event I high fived and talked with several competitors and teammates. By the time I went looking for the guy I switched suits with he was gone. I felt bad about not swapping suits but I was really happy I could keep this one. When we were all leaving the locker rooms the coach had noticed the suit swap during the meet and told me never do that and I could get really sick from wearing other peoples swimsuits. I did not care I loved this new suit. I wore the suit for all the events I could and did pretty good. I thanked the suit for all the speed but I am sure was a lot of me growing up. Also now that I was on a team and racing my mom and dad no longer card about me wearing Speedos or full body suit at practice or meets. They never even talked about it.
At then end of the season the local sporting good store starting selling these full body suits. I was hooked on them. Then time went by and I bought a new body suit for competition and more Speedos for practice. I then finished Junior high and high school keeping with the new technical suit trends. Now that I am in collage I am swimming in Jammers and full body suits. Now also Swimming is no longer the only thing I wear Lycra for. I am big in to riding bikes with spandex bike shorts and leotards of course. I run wearing running tights and jammers. After all these years I am still happy to have been introduced to Speedos and Lycra Clothing
Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
good experience swimcmk. my mother never did give in, but I wore my stretch nylon briefs and later speedos anyway. 

Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
My first pair was a TYR splice lycra that I got at a store that specialized in team swimwear. I wasnt on a team...just thought they were hot. Guess I was sixteen about. They were black with a red splice, maybe 3 inch sides. I thought they were great. I caught them on something sharp and put a hole in them.SpeedoMike wrote:My first pair of "briefs" were made of stretch nylon .

Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
Its been a long while since I have posted on this board, so when I saw this i figured it was a great place to start again.
I remember getting my first speedo in highschool, about 7 years ago. I was a jr. at the time. I knew my parents never wanted me to get a speedo, they absolutely hate them for some unknown reason. One day I went to Sports Authority and bought a green speedo solar. I took it to my grandparents house. They have a rectangular pool, great for laps. I put on my suit and swam for about an hour. It was great having so little between me and the water. I remember getting hard when I first got in and started swimming as the water just flowed over me. My grandparents finally got home while I was in the pool. I got out to greet both of them. Both of them saw me in my speedo and did not say a word about it. I informed them that there pool was great for swimming laps and that I would be leaving my suit at there house.
That was a great suit. I wore it near everyday until it finally fell apart.
My parents just recently found out that I wear speedos as they were looking through a photo album that my fiance put together that has several pictures of me in aussiebum suits. My mom asked me if I was wearing it as a joke and I told her that the suit was what I prefered to wear. She said ok and hasn't mentioned it since.
I remember getting my first speedo in highschool, about 7 years ago. I was a jr. at the time. I knew my parents never wanted me to get a speedo, they absolutely hate them for some unknown reason. One day I went to Sports Authority and bought a green speedo solar. I took it to my grandparents house. They have a rectangular pool, great for laps. I put on my suit and swam for about an hour. It was great having so little between me and the water. I remember getting hard when I first got in and started swimming as the water just flowed over me. My grandparents finally got home while I was in the pool. I got out to greet both of them. Both of them saw me in my speedo and did not say a word about it. I informed them that there pool was great for swimming laps and that I would be leaving my suit at there house.
That was a great suit. I wore it near everyday until it finally fell apart.
My parents just recently found out that I wear speedos as they were looking through a photo album that my fiance put together that has several pictures of me in aussiebum suits. My mom asked me if I was wearing it as a joke and I told her that the suit was what I prefered to wear. She said ok and hasn't mentioned it since.
Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
Ha ha. I'm sure you have some ideas Jace....jace wrote:Justin maybe it's time for another hole to be poked in them .LOl

What did your first speedo look like and when did you get it?
Re: Buying Your Very First Speedo
Erik! I knew my dad wouldn't like them. He was real conservative. It was my aunt that drove me to the team supply place (now its just a web site) to buy my first suit. She saw me in jammers first and said I looked great in them and later she liked the speedos. My aunt is so cool.Erik wrote: My parents just recently found out that I wear speedos as they were looking through a photo album that my fiance put together that has several pictures of me in aussiebum suits. My mom asked me if I was wearing it as a joke and I told her that the suit was what I prefered to wear. She said ok and hasn't mentioned it since.