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In the closet, 16 and at an all boys school

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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In the closet, 16 and at an all boys school

Post by teebzz » Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:35 am

Hey everyone.

So i'm new around here and didn't know where to post this, so i think i'll start here to tell people a bit about myself.

First of all i'm 16 years old. I'm pretty sure i'm gay, but i don't really have the guts to tell anyone, least of all my family. I attend an all-boys school so it's pretty tough keeping it in, especially around some really hot guys.

I love speedos for some reason, but i don't feel confident enough to wear them. Like i said, i'm 16 and at an all boys school. I wouldn't go to the beach and wear them, as in Adelaide, you are bound to find someone you know. I'm quite athletic, but i don't have the muscles to prove it. I like to run and play tennis.

I don't have a big tan when i take my clothes off. I really want to get a fake tan, or at least try a natural tan this summer, but i don't have anyone that i can go to the beach with and just tan. My friends are all guys and if i go to the beach and sit in my aussiebums... well need i go on. Going to the solariums costs a bit and i don't have a job yet. I also don't want to walk into one and find someone i know/be judged. Any suggestions?

I can't wait till i'm 18 so that i can go night-clubbing and stuff like that. Hopefully i might meet some of you guys out there at some of the beaches in Adelaide. :wink: Oh, and if there are any 16 year olds on the forum, send a message my way.



Re: In the closet, 16 and at an all boys school

Post by SpeedoMike » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:42 am

you could solo at the beach... gotta get past your hesitance. you oughta look fantastic in school this fall showing off your tan line. that might be enough for someone to come onto you! :lol:


Re: In the closet, 16 and at an all boys school

Post by teebzz » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:20 pm

I wish i was as confident as you.

Buster Crabbe

Re: In the closet, 16 and at an all boys school

Post by Buster Crabbe » Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:08 pm

To get used to wearing a Speedo, start swimming in the pool at school. You will start to feel more confident and soon it will become simply what you wear to swim. Also swimmers are not puffed up muscleboys, but are quite sleek hardbodies. It sounds like there is some self-consciousness at play here. Good swimmers are slim with aerobic bodies.

You will also meet people at the pool who are wearing the same thing you're wearing, and it would be no big deal to you or them. They will judge you the way you are and not necessarily the way you look. Swimmers have a tendency to stick together like no other athletes I've met. It is always a way to start a conversation.

This summer go to the pool and just swim. Enjoy what your body can do. Get to know it and yourself.

And finally you might be surprised how many other fellows would be at the pool with the same ideas as you, but I digress....

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