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Bye for now

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Bye for now

Post by Scottiebum » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:39 am

I have decided to take a break from the forum.

Virtually all comments on all threads recently are either suggestive, flirting, sexual or naked pics, none of which interest me. Note - I am not saying there is anything wrong with this, just it does not float my boat.

When you add in members questioning your sexuality (closet bi) and some of the unpleasant things said between members has made my mind up to have a break.

I have enjoyed my time here and wish all the members well for the future.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by electric2010 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:48 am

You will be missed... Thank you for all of your contributions.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by Bullseye » Fri Apr 27, 2018 6:15 am

Hey Scottie,
Maybe some of the offending members will see your post and get a clue. I think there are many others who feel the same way as you and have left or stayed away without saying anything. There are other options out there... Good luck to you!

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Re: Bye for now

Post by BJE » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:44 am

I agree but I just ignore the threads where that all is taking place.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by BJE » Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:43 am

I’m straight and wear speedos but it is obvious that this is essentially a gay site. The worst thing about that is that it perpetuates the idea that you are gay if you wear a speedo. I would not be able to send my straight friends her to convince them that speedo wearing is for them too.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by Speedoaddict » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:05 pm

Last edited by Speedoaddict on Fri Apr 27, 2018 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Love speedos, running shorts, rugby shorts, Aussie rules footy shorts.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by Obe1 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:27 pm

Guy I am sorry if I said something to offend you in anyway. Yes Wearing speedo = gay is the wrong message. I can see your point and I am a somewhat a guilty party, please accept my apologies.


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Re: Bye for now

Post by blueflinch » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:50 pm

See you, Scottie. You've been a valuable member of the forum and posted a lot of great pics. So I hope you come back after a break.

I guess what you really need is a speedo forum for straight guys/straight girls? :lol: Sorry if anyone made you feel hassled here. :cry: All the best, mate. :P

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Re: Bye for now

Post by BJE » Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:28 pm

Mitch wrote:
Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:45 am
Well hypothetically. How many of your straight friends have you shared this site with. Just wondering
I would never tell anyone I know that I visit this site.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by rozelle » Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:46 pm

I can understand how you are feeling Scottie. I hope the member who questioned your sexuality understand that it's not ok to say something like that and would never do it again.
You and your contribution to the forum will be missed. Please come back when you are ready brother!

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Re: Bye for now

Post by Latestarter » Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:24 am

Last edited by Latestarter on Thu May 17, 2018 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by BJE » Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:14 am

jace wrote:
Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:14 pm
Who hasn't been hit on on this site?It's harmless flirting guys.
I get hit on on my Instagram page. I’m always getting requests for nude photos. However I don’t send them.

I’m flattered when young guys think I’m hot. I probably shouldn’t feel flattered, but everyone likes a sincere compliment.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by ...:::sam:::... » Tue May 01, 2018 3:04 am

Latestarter wrote:
Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:24 am
Well I’m one of the offending members and I have to say I don’t flirt with guys who I think might not like it and that includes guys on here who flirt with other guys. Doesn’t mean they want my attention. But guys take a reality check about the nature of the site. The logo at the top clearly suggests guys in speedos pairing off. The first thread is about speedo porn. I look at guys cos I think there hot. And I’m not going to stop posting pictures of my cock. If you don’t like it don’t look. And while I’m off on one there is a thread on here about a 14 year old being encouraged to wear speedos. Now none of the comments are out of order. But I personally find guys commenting on kids choices of swimwear a lot more inappropriate than consenting adults flirting or showing their dicks Am I alone in that?
I dont agree.

To me it was a family thread and there was nothing inappropriate at all in it. Actually I thought it was a reality thread that was a really interesting read and told a story that probably isn't so uncommon about people wearing speedos. Actually it sounded like a pretty good family that seemed to look after each other.

On this forum speedos are so highly sexualised by many members, it is almost fettish in some cases and it can be very homosexual in some cases also. Go outside of the forum, and speedos are just a bit of swim wear, very loveable swimwear, that people wear for a purpose, wether thats swimming, sports, sitting in the sun etc! If you (well, maybe I) go to the beach, dam, lake, river, pool or wherever, speedos are not sexualised by the rest of the community, despite that happening in this community. Same with the thoughts about speedos being homosexual, when I watched the Commonwealth games I didnt think the swimmers were all gay, when I train in the pool I don't think all of the swimmers are gay, actually I don't think anything about them.

Encouraging speedos, as lil kid thats what I was given and thats all I wore, at school thats what I had to wear when in the pool, I vividly remember if you weren't in the school speedos you were told in no uncertain terms to get off the blocks and you got into trouble. For me, it wasn't so unusual to wear speedos. I am from Australia, and no doubt the mentality towards speedos is not the same as in the USA, I haven't been there so can only assume this from what I read here, but I feel the Australian attitude towards them is similar to other parts of the world like Asia and Europe and that is diferent to the how it is viewed by many people here. To the point, I really struggle to see how a 14yo wearing speedos for the beach, pool, hot tub is inappropriate, I think it is really appropriate and I think to look at that and think it is inappropriate is possibly sexualising also a situation that just isn't.

How are speedos seen in Australia by the community, Budgy Smuggler is a brand that is booming right now, its what the cool kids are wearing, same with a lot of high profile people for footy teams. Check out their instagram, incredibly regular and a lot of people having a lot of fun, not laden with highly sexualised (sexualised at all!) pictures. This is closer to the reality.


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Re: Bye for now

Post by Dfwspeedo » Tue May 01, 2018 3:27 am

...:::sam:::... wrote:
Tue May 01, 2018 3:04 am
Latestarter wrote:
Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:24 am
Well I’m one of the offending members and I have to say I don’t flirt with guys who I think might not like it and that includes guys on here who flirt with other guys. Doesn’t mean they want my attention. But guys take a reality check about the nature of the site. The logo at the top clearly suggests guys in speedos pairing off. The first thread is about speedo porn. I look at guys cos I think there hot. And I’m not going to stop posting pictures of my cock. If you don’t like it don’t look. And while I’m off on one there is a thread on here about a 14 year old being encouraged to wear speedos. Now none of the comments are out of order. But I personally find guys commenting on kids choices of swimwear a lot more inappropriate than consenting adults flirting or showing their dicks Am I alone in that?
I dont agree.

To me it was a family thread and there was nothing inappropriate at all in it. Actually I thought it was a reality thread that was a really interesting read and told a story that probably isn't so uncommon about people wearing speedos. Actually it sounded like a pretty good family that seemed to look after each other.

On this forum speedos are so highly sexualised by many members, it is almost fettish in some cases and it can be very homosexual in some cases also. Go outside of the forum, and speedos are just a bit of swim wear, very loveable swimwear, that people wear for a purpose, wether thats swimming, sports, sitting in the sun etc! If you (well, maybe I) go to the beach, dam, lake, river, pool or wherever, speedos are not sexualised by the rest of the community, despite that happening in this community. Same with the thoughts about speedos being homosexual, when I watched the Commonwealth games I didnt think the swimmers were all gay, when I train in the pool I don't think all of the swimmers are gay, actually I don't think anything about them.

Encouraging speedos, as lil kid thats what I was given and thats all I wore, at school thats what I had to wear when in the pool, I vividly remember if you weren't in the school speedos you were told in no uncertain terms to get off the blocks and you got into trouble. For me, it wasn't so unusual to wear speedos. I am from Australia, and no doubt the mentality towards speedos is not the same as in the USA, I haven't been there so can only assume this from what I read here, but I feel the Australian attitude towards them is similar to other parts of the world like Asia and Europe and that is diferent to the how it is viewed by many people here. To the point, I really struggle to see how a 14yo wearing speedos for the beach, pool, hot tub is inappropriate, I think it is really appropriate and I think to look at that and think it is inappropriate is possibly sexualising also a situation that just isn't.

How are speedos seen in Australia by the community, Budgy Smuggler is a brand that is booming right now, its what the cool kids are wearing, same with a lot of high profile people for footy teams. Check out their instagram, incredibly regular and a lot of people having a lot of fun, not laden with highly sexualised (sexualised at all!) pictures. This is closer to the reality.

Very well said.

That is exactly right re Australia and Europe etc. Speedos are just swimwear. Probably true that a greater proportion of gay guys may wear speedos but certainly the overwhelming majority of all lap swimmers wear them and a lot of people wear them to beach etc. Speedo does not equal gay and people wouldn't think that way - ofcourse that assumes you are not wearing some outrageous style or a pair that have your bits poking straight out etc. Fine if that's what you want to do.

To a lot of people speedos are things dads wear - with their kids complaining and telling them to put some clothes on.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by ...:::sam:::... » Tue May 01, 2018 3:35 am

Dfwspeedo wrote:
Tue May 01, 2018 3:27 am
Very well said.

That is exactly right re Australia and Europe etc. Speedos are just swimwear. Probably true that a greater proportion of gay guys may wear speedos but certainly the overwhelming majority of all lap swimmers wear them and a lot of people wear them to beach etc. Speedo does not equal gay and people wouldn't think that way - ofcourse that assumes you are not wearing some outrageous style or a pair that have your bits poking straight out etc. Fine if that's what you want to do.

To a lot of people speedos are things dads wear - with their kids complaining and telling them to put some clothes on.
I agree with all of that too! One of my friends and his lil bro are big Budgy Smuggler fans and wearers, they call them middle age man swimmers! :lol:

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Re: Bye for now

Post by Latestarter » Tue May 01, 2018 3:51 am

Sam. I didn’t say that there was anything inappropriate about the comments and I certainly didn’t say there was anything inappropriate about a boy wearing speedos. But I wouldn’t want a group of strangers, however well meaning, discussing what my family was wearing. You say it was a family thread but to be honest I’m not sure this is really a family site. Somebody had a poll recently about wives attitudes to speedos. I’d be interested to know about wives attitudes to this forum. I would suspect that not many members have told their wives about it. And no I don’t think that is just because they are embarrassed by other members posts. How many married guys would happily show their wives there own posts? I am happy to be proved wrong in that

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Re: Bye for now

Post by chicagoswim » Wed May 02, 2018 8:19 am

Totally agree with Scottie and I too have pulled back. For quite a while there was good conversations about various topics. But lately, several members have found a way to turn most posts into sexual banter. As I’ve said before, I don’t mind it but keep it to a thread of that topic so other members can scroll on by. It doesn’t need to be in every thread. Even this post from Scottie has gotten off topic and that’s a huge part of the problem imo. We just need to be adults and stay true to the topic. If you want to divert, find or create a thread for what you want to talk about. Scottie was an active contributing member so I’m sad that he’s taking a break...

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Re: Bye for now

Post by BJE » Wed May 02, 2018 10:27 am

I would say that since the start of this thread sexual content on the forum has increased dramatically. I scroll through the topics and pass by about 98% of them.

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Re: Bye for now

Post by BJE » Wed May 02, 2018 3:29 pm

I think the problem comes when things aren’t clearly labeled or when you get a bait and switch. If the title says rock out with your cock out or cum in speedos I think it’s obvious that if you don’t want to see that you don’t go there But if it says appreciation for the forum and then shows cock shots that’s unexpected. Or when the topic is fine but then suddenly there’s nude pictures and sex talk.

Like I said before this is abviously a pro gay website with a lot of gay sexual material on it. That’s fine as long as everything is clearly labeled

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Re: Bye for now

Post by BJE » Wed May 02, 2018 3:31 pm

Mitch wrote:
Wed May 02, 2018 11:40 am
What I find amazing is the most views were on today and how amazing it is if were talking sexual intercouse with the opposite sex it’s ok. And as far as saying good by it’s amazing how much Scottiebum is still visiting the site. But just not posting soft porn FYI I love the pics
When were we talking sexual intercourse with the opposite sex? I made one post and nobody commented on it or discussed it.

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