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Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

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Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by frankjath » Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:26 pm

If you own a pool or might own a pool in the future would you only allow people to go in nude or wearing speedos and ban boardshorts. I have heard from some people that there family was only allow to go in the jacuzzi nude because he didn't want fabric getting caught in the filters and for sanitary reasons especially since most guys wear their boardshorts around town and then go swimming in them bring along who knows what into the jacuzzi and pool. I would love to hear stories if you guys have any.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by drummer0083 » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:46 pm

Hmm...it's an interesting question. In regards to the sanitary concerns, isn't that the reason for showering before entering a pool?

I wouldn't ban board shorts. Part of the speedos discussion for me is freedom to wear what you want. Although I'd prefer speedos, if I banned board shorts, I'd feel like I'm doing the same thing to them as what speedos wearers get - stares and glares, etc.

I just feel like people should be able to wear what they want

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by Baltspeed » Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:46 pm

Yes, of course! Boardshorts should be banned from pools all over the world. They are made for surfing with a board - nomen est omen. You can use them on the ocean or a great lake, where board-sports is possible. But due to sanitary reasons they have nothing to do in a swimming pool, jacuzzi or so. Even when people are showering before entering to a pool - (@drummer0083: it should be self-evident to do that before!) you don´t have a guarantee that the boardshorts are clean either, because many guys use them for walking around town or what else.
Freedom of wearing what you want ends when higher values are concernd, like e.g. sanitary reasons or function of filters.
@drummer0083: What would you say if someone arrives and entering a pool with old and oiled worker-suit with the substantiation that he feels good in it when swimming? Is it also part of freedom of wearing what you want, or what? No, I guess.

So let´s fight to ban board shorts in swimming pools!

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by DaveSpeedoEvans » Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:12 pm


Kip has his own hottub at his house and last time I was here he had a 'Speedo Only' party which was fun. There were a few str8 guys, including Kip's sisters boyfriend. Her boyfriend wasn't keen but in the end he speedo'd it up.

I'm all for a speedo only rule.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by drummer0083 » Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:55 pm

Baltspeed wrote:Freedom of wearing what you want ends when higher values are concernd, like e.g. sanitary reasons or function of filters.
I completely agree with you, Baltspeed. Sanitary concerns trump all. I mis-red the question originally.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by frankjath » Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:27 pm

Wow you guys all have great points! I know some peoples salt water pools don't have chlorine so it makes since that some people are only allowed to go in nude or in a speedo. Our pool is salt water but my dad still puts chlorine. If it was my pool id probably only let people go in nude or in a speedo. But then again most guys in the states don't own speedos.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by speedoboy26 » Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:08 am

I would ban boardshorts, Speedo's only :p.
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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by Snowbrief » Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:37 pm

frankjath wrote:Wow you guys all have great points! I know some peoples salt water pools don't have chlorine so it makes since that some people are only allowed to go in nude or in a speedo. Our pool is salt water but my dad still puts chlorine. If it was my pool id probably only let people go in nude or in a speedo. But then again most guys in the states don't own speedos.
Not to change the subject Frank, and I know you live close to the Pacific Ocean, but why is your family's pool "salt water"? I take it, the pool is filled by someone pumping from the ocean, and depositing the water into the pool instead of filling the pool from the municipal water supply?
Let's keep it brief.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by frankjath » Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:25 pm

Snowbrief wrote:
frankjath wrote:Wow you guys all have great points! I know some peoples salt water pools don't have chlorine so it makes since that some people are only allowed to go in nude or in a speedo. Our pool is salt water but my dad still puts chlorine. If it was my pool id probably only let people go in nude or in a speedo. But then again most guys in the states don't own speedos.
Not to change the subject Frank, and I know you live close to the Pacific Ocean, but why is your family's pool "salt water"? I take it, the pool is filled by someone pumping from the ocean, and depositing the water into the pool instead of filling the pool from the municipal water supply?

On know the salt is added to the water from the municipal water supply we don't pump it from the ocean. It's better to have a salt water pool because you don't have to put as much chemicals and is better for the body.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by speedodemon » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:47 am

I'm for freedom of choice even if I wish all guys at the pool would choose speedos. On the hygiene debate: an older friend of mine and regular swimmer points out that men in boardies often have on underwear underneath in the pool - surely a potential sanitation hazard if it's been on for hours or is soiled! I would support a rule to wear only swimwear in pools for that reason.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by Silkysmooth » Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:04 am

Only speedos, bikinis, thongs and nudest are allowed in this adult pool/spa area.♥️

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by BozeHawk » Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:29 am


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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by twink99 » Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:49 am

No, I wouldn't ban them, I'm too freedom-loving for that.

But in the case they want to wear board shorts, they should wear their normal clothing when walking through the entrance, and then change into their board shorts just before entering the pool area.

If they wear the same clothing in the pool area as when they were going through the entrance, they will be kicked out. With a clear warning that the second incident means a permanent ban. Underwear will also be banned, but a swim brief or boxer under the board short would be fine.

Speedo's would be strongly encouraged though. :)
Board shorts are for sissies

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by Idaho » Wed Nov 09, 2022 5:25 pm

speedodemon wrote:
Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:47 am
...men in boardies often have on underwear underneath in the pool...
What about the guys who wear speedos for underwear? That also becomes a sanitation issue.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by pix54 » Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:51 pm

Our home pool is an anything goes zone.
I generally swim naked and keep the speedos for when there are others who may not appreciate my mode of undress.
The grandkids wear both speeds and square cuts and I insist that they don't have underwear on.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by MrMusik » Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:38 am

My hot tub is a "No Textiles" zone.

Nude only in the hot tub.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by White7 » Tue May 14, 2024 1:33 pm

twink99 wrote:
Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:49 am
No, I wouldn't ban them, I'm too freedom-loving for that.

But in the case they want to wear board shorts, they should wear their normal clothing when walking through the entrance, and then change into their board shorts just before entering the pool area.

If they wear the same clothing in the pool area as when they were going through the entrance, they will be kicked out. With a clear warning that the second incident means a permanent ban. Underwear will also be banned, but a swim brief or boxer under the board short would be fine.

Speedo's would be strongly encouraged though. :)
hi, if you just wear speedos as underwear, would it be count as same clothing, which is practically worn outside the pool area?

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by Harsh1994 » Tue May 14, 2024 6:55 pm

I wouldn't do it even due to sanitary reasons because I live in a not-so-speedo-friendly country (Peru) and only two or three of my close friends wear speedos. Even other friends who were gifted a speedo from me avoid to wear them due to body dysmorphia, customs or heteronormativity. That's why my pool is chlorinated. If I impose a boardshort ban in my pool, nobody would come. Even without it, none of my friends come to visit me since three years ago...

I'm moving to Australia for one year in a Working Holiday Visa in November. I don't plan to stay there after my visa ends but only extend it until a second or even third year, the maximum allowed by the Department of Home Affairs. However, I might stay if I get a sponsorship for a job, or I marry with some guy who loves me truly, and apply for a PR. Then, I would have a new house and maybe there I could ban boardshorts because it's almost a rule that an Australian gay man must wear speedos.
Speedos are the best swimwear around. Period.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by ...:::sam:::... » Sun May 26, 2024 4:59 am

It wouldn't worry me what people did or didn't wear. Up to them. I would run it with a chlorine or salt filter if I was worried about hygiene.

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Re: Would you ban boardshorts from your pool?

Post by speedoboi » Mon May 27, 2024 11:53 am

frankjath wrote:
Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:27 pm
Wow you guys all have great points! I know some peoples salt water pools don't have chlorine so it makes since that some people are only allowed to go in nude or in a speedo. Our pool is salt water but my dad still puts chlorine. If it was my pool id probably only let people go in nude or in a speedo. But then again most guys in the states don't own speedos.
How hard is it to buy speedos in The States? I'm in Toronto, Canada and it's somewhat difficult, especially to find a swim wear shop. There is a place around 2km from my home that sells Arena swim wear.

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