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Short Running Shorts Making A Comeback

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

Moderator: DaveSpeedoEvans

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California Dolphin

Short Running Shorts Making A Comeback

Post by California Dolphin » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:31 pm

This post is not about speedos specifically, but I"ve noticed that guys wearing short running shorts are definitely making a come back here in San Francisco.

There’s a major street that runs around the water front here in the city and I see a lot of young guys out jogging in 1980s style running shorts. In addition to a swimmer's body in a speedo, there's nothing like a a guy with a great pair of athletic legs in short shorts to get the adrenalin going!!!

I'm making a guess, but it looks like these short running shorts are now being offered as a "Unisex"product that is intended for either guys or girls. Whether you’re Gay or Str8, guys (and girls too since I’m kinda “Bi”) really look good in short shorts!!!

I haven’t been to the pool in a couple of years, but it would be interesting to see if speedos are coming back like running shorts!!! :mrgreen:



Re: Short Running Shorts Making A Comeback

Post by JohnC » Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:35 pm

hey CD - I saw some high school guys at a car wash outside of Pittsburgh wearing speedos this summer - which I thought was great news. I could hardly believe my eyes!

Have you seen the Speedo Love video on youtube?

Nice post...



Re: Short Running Shorts Making A Comeback

Post by 5t9 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:45 am

Hello CD. Maybe dating myself here, but I well remember the onion-skin-thin, split-up-the-side jogging shorts of the 80s. I don't know if they are making a come-back, but, a couple of years back, the International Male catalogue still stocked them, so maybe the are returning (and I hope so). Agree, the look is very fetching on a fine pair of sinewy muscular legs.

Speedos in Canada? Most guys opt for board shorts, but the last time I was at a public pool, about a year ago, it was about 50/50 speedos/boardies. I would add that most of the older guys wore Speedos--some guys obviously in their 70s, and still very fit and wore them well. No, they are not just for the young and buff.


Re: Short Running Shorts Making A Comeback

Post by dorcas336 » Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:13 pm

I had two pair of Onion Skins from IM. They were stolen in locker room at Y after a swim. They were not as transparent as you would think-but ver comfortable. Thought later tat I saw a guy with some but didn't have a chance to ask him where he got them. One pair was wine color and had begun to fade after only a fer swims.

California Dolphin

Re: Short Running Shorts Making A Comeback

Post by California Dolphin » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:26 pm

jace wrote:would you rather see short shorts or tight bike shorts on a runner?
Actually, I prefer short shorts on a runner (or speedos on a swimmer).

When it comes to almost nudity, I'm an absolute vouyer and the shorter look accentuates the whole body. :mrgreen:

By the way, I ran across this encouraging article from last year:

http://www.wwd.com/fashion-news/ready-t ... es-3071809


http://mens-fashion.lovetoknow.com/Mens ... ort_Shorts


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