For those of you who are long time followers/fans, you'll know I've had several attempts at creating my own line of speedos. This is kind of like my site, it is as much a selfish thing for my own purposes and if other people want to enjoy it as well then helping pay for it is a bonus. started as a way to store my own speedo photos, at high school we leant about databases and so I started categorizing my speedo photos. Turned out that other people like it and now is by far the most awesome speedo porn website anywhere.
That is the idea I have for my own line of speedos and finally I think I have some guys who can help me out with it. I have a bit of a wish list of what I like in a speedo which I'll talk about more another time but I am always on the look out for great design ideas in a speedo and this was something I came across this morning, don't you find the liner pattern interesting on this white speedo? By nature white speedos are see through which can be awesome, or cannot be awesome.
What do you guys think of the way the liner works on this speedo?