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Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 3:16 am
by gx0100
Hi Guys,

So I bought the 'Solana' bikini by Andrew Christian on Amazon yesterday... can't wait for it to arrive!
Only ever bought AC underwear in the past, so it'll be interesting to see what the swimwear is like.
Since the designs often emphasise the bulge a lot, I think they might not be completely suitable for all swim activities.

What do you think of them?
Do you own any ACs?

- gx0100

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 8:54 am
by rozelle
I think it's sexy but sheesh what's he packing under there? one must be really well endowed to look good in those.

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 2:00 pm
by BJE
rozelle wrote:I think it's sexy but sheesh what's he packing under there? one must be really well endowed to look good in those.
I'm guessing he is mostly erect in that shot. If he jumped into some cold water I'd imagine he soon wouldn't be filling it out so well.

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 3:19 pm
by Scottiebum
I owned a pair of AC years ago. They do make the pouch prominent but I did still wear them on holiday at the pool and at the beach and did not get any adverse reaction.

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 12:25 am
by rozelle
BJE wrote: I'm guessing he is mostly erect in that shot. If he jumped into some cold water I'd imagine he soon wouldn't be filling it out so well.
yes I owned a square cut AC swim trunks too and yes it does make your bulge prominent but when I got shrinkage then it's not sexy anymore and I just feel stupid cause of how ugly the extra fabric looks.

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:20 am
by gx0100
Thanks for the comments, guys. I agree about the model -- he's certainly not in his floppiest of states!
I had wondered what I might look like, particularly with cold water shrinkage. I suppose time will tell. I hope there won't be an abundance of material, making me feel silly!

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 9:23 am
by spear
A lot of the models wear a cock ring to enhance a bulge making the suit look like the one shown here. I'd guess that's what this guy is wearing. If you're concerned about the lose material, wear a ring and it won't be a problem

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:17 am
by rozelle
spear wrote:A lot of the models wear a cock ring to enhance a bulge making the suit look like the one shown here. I'd guess that's what this guy is wearing. If you're concerned about the lose material, wear a ring and it won't be a problem
oh I never knew about this. very insightful! thanks for this info. I have always thought they're just ridickilously blessed

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 11:06 am
by spear
Look at how his balls are pushed up and forward. Same with his penis. Usually a leather strap ring will work better for this kind of look. Wearing one has a rather sexual feel too.

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 12:34 pm
by gx0100
Not the best picture, but my Solana Bikini arrived! When we have more reliably and consistently sunny weather, they'll be perfect for sunbathing 8)

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 3:25 pm
by Scottiebum
They look perfect on you, not too extreme but daring enough! Hope you get the good weather soon (this hot spell does not look like lasting unfortunately).

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:16 pm
by solarguy
Geez gx0100, why do i feel like I'm the only one that looks like a five year old in my speedos!! LOL

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 6:38 am
by scott1636
It looks like a perfect fit. Very nice.

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:02 am
by gx0100
Thanks for all the kind comments 8)
Though, solarguy... I don't know what you're talking about!! You look just fine - and not at all like a five year old. If anything, I worry I look more childlike than manlike. The pain of being thin!

Re: Andrew Christian (Solana Bikini)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:24 am
by electric2010
Well you certainly look fantastic in your suit.