It has been a little while since I ordered some new speedos…. trying to think the last new pair I got and it was probably the pair that Paul the Politician gave me.
The pool her is open again for swimming although the new rules sounds like a pain in the butt I should get back swimming. I’ve been running so feeling OK fitness wise but from swimming four times a week to zero over night has been a bit of a bummer.
I was trying to think of what speedos to buy that would be pool appropriate (white AussieBum Coolabah’s do not fit that role. I don’t particularly like paying US$50 for a pair of speedo either. Over a few days I shopped on the AussieBum website but their lycra speedos have never quite worked for me and the nylon ones are a little loose when swimming in them a lot, and I find they fade pretty quick.
Then I remembered the people from Q Swimwear had emailed me a while back asking me to try their speedos.
They didn’t offer me a free pair of anything unfortunately, but they were having a 50% off sale so it came out pretty affordable.
I ordered a plain black pair and these which I have had some naughty thoughts about already…..
Now the wait begins though… I ordered them two weeks ago (they hand make each pair so they take two weeks before they leave their store) and they are based in San Diego so I have no idea what the post time is for packages from San Diego to Sydney these days. Maybe Xmas? I ordered a new phone from China two months ago and last I checked it is in Singapore….
Anyone else buy some new speedos lately?