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Interesting Article I Found

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:45 pm
by speedoboi
I found this article on the web: ... omophobia/
Here it is:

American Homophobia towards Speedos

One sign of homophobia in America is in men’s clothing options. While certainly America is not the most homophobic country (think Middle East and countries where homosexuality is considered a crime!), there are little red flags here and there.
I never took to the grunge look that started around 1990. I also dislike the rap scene style of baggy pants and shirts 3 times the guy’s size. How would men react if women started dressing in big baggy pants and t-shirts which would hide their shape?
The low crotch baggy pants make young guys look bad. Sloppy, out of shape. Sorry guys, women also want to see if you have a nice butt . Now, I am not advocating the return of the skintight pants of the 70′s (ouch!) but fitted pants make a man look better dressed and elegant. European men know exactly what to wear (Brazilians too!). Just go to any European capital and you will know what I am talking about. Some young Hollywood singers and actors (think Zac Efron) have started to bring the fitted look back.
As for speedos….I am a huge speedo lover. The way Americans blast speedos, especially the new generation who did not live the 70′s and the 80′s, is amusing. They equate speedos and fitted pants (again, not tight pants!) to being gay. Hello, then the entire male population of Brazil and Europe would be gay! And what’s wrong with being gay anyway?
Speedos make for better comfort, better tanning and better swimming. I cringe when I see these poor fellas at the beach in America with those large floppy shorts below their knees….it’s like swimming with your clothes on! If you want to wear shorts, at least wear some shorter shorts to swim and lie on the beach! I also feel sorry for toddlers dressed with long shorts at the beach or the swimming pool, because their mothers bought into the anti-speedo wave.
One of the arguments I hear about Speedos is that people don’t want to see old and fat men wearing them. But so what that if older men have bellies and speedos will show them off? We will see the bellies anyway with the big shorts! Additionally, it’s practically impossible to look wonderful wearing any swimsuit over the ages of 40 or 50, whether you are a man or a woman. Very few people manage that, except the dietaholics and the gymaholics.
So I am for a speedo comeback. I especially like the ones that are square looking, more like briefs. See Daniel Craig’s pic above. And stay away from anything resembling a g-string, they do not flatter men or women alike.
When I was in Rio last December, it was nice seeing men comfortably wearing their speedos everywhere. In no way I feel offended by the shape of men’s genitals; I know they have balls, so what? We are not offended by the zillions of (enhanced) breasts we see popping out of their tiny triangles in swimming pools and beaches either….
Are men who are too vehemently against speedos scared of being seen as gay, or do they fear that they will be attracted to other men in speedos? Or are they just insecure about their bodies?
I did like the fact the SATC movie showed a man’s penis briefly. It’s time for homophobia to leave movies and TV as well. What’s so horrible about showing a man’s penis in a movie with a sex scene? We see women’s nude frontals and naked breasts all the time. Are men in America that scared that they will feel attracted to other men?
May the new generation of American men start the Speedo Revolution!

Re: Interesting Article I Found

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:38 pm
by California Dolphin
The article is right on.

The aversion to guys wearing speedos is in fact a spin off of the homophobia movement -which despite the appearance of being a country that accepts freedom and diversity- is quite potent here in the U.S.

For example, the supporters of Proposition 208 (the California ballot measure to ban Gay marriage) spent over $30 Million on their campaign. It's particularly strong in the so called "Bible Belt" states where anything that appears to be gay is vigorously ostracized.

However as the last line of the article says, the only way to counter the movement is for more men to wear what they really want and reverse the trend. :mrgreen: