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speedos at gyms

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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speedos at gyms

Post by fratguy » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:35 pm

So I am trying to build up the courage to go swimming at my gym in a speddo and was wondering if anyone has any one ever worn a speedo while swimming at a pool at a fitness center, and if so what was it like/ did anyone give/have a reaction to it?


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by speedoboi » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:28 pm

fratguy wrote:So I am trying to build up the courage to go swimming at my gym in a speddo and was wondering if anyone has any one ever worn a speedo while swimming at a pool at a fitness center, and if so what was it like/ did anyone give/have a reaction to it?
99% of the time I'm the only guy wearing a speedo. At one of the Goodlife Fitness locations, there were some negative looks, but very few. I feel weird being the only guy in a swimbrief sometimes. Most of the time in the pool (especially now that I joined Premier Fitness) it's just me in the pool or me and another guy or woman. But I just swim and mind my own business. It's too bad the stigmatism that exists when you wear a swim brief - people assume you're GAY.


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by PeterSF » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:37 pm

From over here it just seems an extraordinary question. I swim in a number of public pools, some men wear speedos, some trunks, some boardies. No-one seems to take much notice. I've swum in a couple of university pools when I've been over in the USA and always worn speedos, again, it seemed that there was no issue. One, this summer, about half the guys seemed to be in speedos.


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by speedoboi » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:40 pm

PeterSF wrote:From over here it just seems an extraordinary question. I swim in a number of public pools, some men wear speedos, some trunks, some boardies. No-one seems to take much notice. I've swum in a couple of university pools when I've been over in the USA and always worn speedos, again, it seemed that there was no issue. One, this summer, about half the guys seemed to be in speedos.
Did you have any speedo fun after?


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by asana » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:17 pm

I've been swimming in my gym pool in a speedo for the past 5 years. I've had a couple of funny looks over the years, but they are very rare. I was always the only guy in a brief, with everyone else in board shorts, but lately there seems to be more and more guys in briefs and trunks. I felt kind of awkward getting in and out of the pool for a couple of months when I started, but then after that it was no problem. I dive at the big aquatic centre in town here too, and everyone there (diving and swimming) is in briefs.

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Re: speedos at gyms

Post by DaveSpeedoEvans » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:59 pm


If you need to break the ice maybe try wearing a jammer for a while and then 'speedo' it up!!!

I'm pretty sure I'm the biggest speedo enthusiast on the planet.

Read my blog - www.AussieSpeedoGuy.org
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Re: speedos at gyms

Post by JohnC » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:48 pm

I swim in California lots, and speedos are normal at the pool. More normal than shorts. There is a lot of triathlon training here, and also swimming and water polo.

In Pennsylvania I usually wear my drag suit. Most guys seem to use the weight room at the local y, and swimming doesn't seem to be as big a sport. I wouldn't expect negative looks though if i wore a speedo.


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by mic214 » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:54 am

I say go for it... I swim most nights in Melbourne and it is about 50% speedos at the local pool, and I have never received any negative looks.


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by PeterSF » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:49 pm

Did you have any speedo fun after?

An out-of-speedo experience? I am the soul of discretion!


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by dorcas336 » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:53 am

I don't know what a negative look looks like. I wear speedos all the time at the Y here in cold Vermont. If I got what I thought was a negative look I would go right over to them and ask them if they had a problem with what I was wearing . I would tell them that it was much easier to swim laps etc,. Every body has seen divers on TV with very tight and trim speedos even with at least the beginning of wood like Matt Mitchum. He and others are so dazzling in their performance that even the most prudish should find the speedos as just normal athletic attire. Transparent satin football pants are as revealing as speedos!


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by speedoboi » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:30 pm

dorcas336 wrote: Transparent satin football pants are as revealing as speedos!
Good point.


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by MelbCityGuy » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:49 pm

mic214 wrote:I say go for it... I swim most nights in Melbourne and it is about 50% speedos at the local pool, and I have never received any negative looks.
Where do you swim Mic. I swim in the City Baths

California Dolphin

Re: speedos at gyms

Post by California Dolphin » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:25 pm

Since 2004, I've been swimming at a city operated pool here in san Francisco and wearing a blue speedo.

About 1/2 the other guys were also wearing speedo style trunks too.

All I can say is "No Problem" and no one has paid attention to what we were wearing. :lol:


California Dolphin

Re: speedos at gyms

Post by California Dolphin » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:35 pm

DaveSpeedoEvans wrote:FratGuy,

If you need to break the ice maybe try wearing a jammer for a while and then 'speedo' it up!!!

Jammers are nothing but streamlined boardies and despite the illusory idea of modesty, they are in fact more revealing of your "package" than a speedo!

Interestingly, the gay porn industry has abandoned speedos in favor of jammers and tech suits because they accentuate the "lump" better!!! :mrgreen:

The bottom line (no pun intended) just wear a speedo and forget about what anyone thinks. If more guys wore speedos, they'd become the norm again. :lol:



Re: speedos at gyms

Post by SwimBriefEnthusiast » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:02 pm

The more you do it, the more you'll conquer your fear.

I've been wearing speedos pretty much my whole life, and I started wearing swim thongs four years ago, and people's opinions never really phase me anymore. When I was a teenager I was pretty self-conscious, since in the absurd world of high school speedo wearing was on par with such taboos as bestiality and pedophilia, therefore I'd just not swim at all.

But I grew out of it. Hit the gym, got a tan, then got in the water!


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by ihaveaproblem » Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:28 am

I wear them all the time to the pool, but then again, I belong to a gay swim team. People would be shocked if you didn't wear a speedo hahaha. We did go to the local water park in some really skimpy speedos (actually Aussiebum) and that got all kinds of looks! And comments!

California Dolphin

Re: speedos at gyms

Post by California Dolphin » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:06 pm

fratguy wrote:So I am trying to build up the courage to go swimming at my gym in a speddo and was wondering if anyone has any one ever worn a speedo while swimming at a pool at a fitness center, and if so what was it like/ did anyone give/have a reaction to it?
I've been giving a lot of thought about this problem and I came up with a clever trick that might work really well.

Do you know about 5 other guys who like to swim in speedos? If so, organize them into a group to come to the pool all at once at several of the gym's regaular swimming sessions. However, don't let anyone else at the gym know they are actually part of an orchestrated group and have them come to the pool at slightly different times (like about 3 minutes apart) and also wear different style speedos.

Also don't mingle with them (or each other) in the pool or the locker room so it gives the appearance that everyone in the clandestine group is a complete stranger to everyone else.

This will give the non-speedo swimmers the illusion that more guys prefer speedos and it's part of a trend!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



Re: speedos at gyms

Post by GRSwimmer » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:19 am

I've been swimming off and on for only a few years now, but dived in - har har - to wearing speedos right away. I WAS really self-conscious at first, but actually felt more comfortable if I said 'Hey' to the life guard on duty, as I walked passed. There was a time I thought I got some looks but, whatever. It's not comfortable for me to swim in anything else :) Just do it. Most of the time your swimming in the pool anyway.

I've only seen one other person wear a speedo to the pool and he was 70 and not in great shape. Figured if he can, so can I :) Seen some jammers, but I like how much more supportive briefs are. Nothing stays in place if I wear anything else.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


Re: speedos at gyms

Post by JohnC » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:59 pm

I like your plan CD - I would like to get a hundred guys together and storm the wave pools in the summer :P

I was pleasantly surprised last Friday in Pennsylvania at the ymca - the swim teams had off (day before x-mas eve) and there was a teen swimming in a tyr brief - he was a lot of fun and we paced each other a few laps.
Today there were two fit lads in drag suits with speedos underneath - they were either college or hs swim team. This was all good to see. The basketball courts and weight rooms are always full this time of year, and its always refreshing to see a few guys swimming in proper swimwear. In general its more fun to swim in California when I get there - at least half the guys wear swim briefs and I don't think twice to wear a "speedo".

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