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My Plans For Organizing A "Speedofest"

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:40 am
by California Dolphin
Hey all you speedo lovers: It’s about time to organize an aggressive “counter offensive” against those preaching the anti-speedo rhetoric and we need a way to encourage guys to go back to wearing speedos. :idea:

For starters, I’m thinking about writing an article for the sports or fashion section in the San Francisco Chronicle promoting the virtues of speedos and also include a harsh critique of today’s swim and athletic wear.

In addition to swimmer’s wearing so called “tech suits”, the new one piece track and field suits have gotten really atrocious too and running shorts for field and track need to make a comeback. Last year, I went to a track event and upon meeting a guy wearing one of those new running suits, I felt like saying to him “Hi - Nice vacuum cleaner bag you’ve got on there”. :x

A feature article in a major newspaper ridiculing the new techy athletic wear would get the ball rolling. Then I'd follow that up with an organized a protest by posting a notice on Craigslist (in "Casual Encounters") in every major U.S. city for a “Speedofest” and encourage every guy in the country to go to a pool, beach, or water park in a speedo.

Whether you’re Gay or STR8, today’s athletic wear is in fact weird and ugly as Hell and it's time to bring back the good old days!!!

California Dolphin :D

Re: My Plans For Organizing A "Speedofest"

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:02 pm
by briwin
On facebook I saw that someone had planned a "Speedo Day" at a waterpark. That might be a start.

Re: My Plans For Organizing A "Speedofest"

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:22 am
by swimmerboy
If anyone wants to organize a Speedo beach day in SoCal, let me know.