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Sources for older aussiebums besides

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:08 pm
by maddtown
While I was on vacation I saw a guy wearing an aussiebum Loose Boomerang, which is purple. I've seen it on the site but was never wild about the color. In person though, it looked amazing. I want that suit. As soon as I got home I went to and was crushed to find they only have it in XS. I'm a Medium type of guy. Since its loose I could get away with a small but extra small is pushing it.

Anywho, to cut to the chase I'm wondering if anyone knows of any place that might be selling aussiebums the aussiebum site itself doesn't carry. I tried International Jock and ebay already.


Re: Sources for older aussiebums besides

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:28 pm
by tylerdurden
If you find somewhere that sells them, let us know! I have wanted a medium-sized Boomerang for some time now. Love the colour.

Re: Sources for older aussiebums besides

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:22 pm
by SpeedoMike
the production run probably has long ago been sold out and only the least popular XS remains. keep watching eBay for the one-of-a-kind item and be prepared to bid the price way up so the only other guy in the world who wants it can't afford it. that's the eBay way. :twisted: