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My vacation in Key West
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:05 pm
by highlandssailor
I have already told eveyone I am going to the Island House in Key West for 10 days --I leave tomorrow. I can't believe I am paying $199. a night where I have to share a bath and shower with 5 other rooms! I am told the showers are open--OK--I get the message. But--but there is a private shower in the gym where I at least can shave all over in private. I am taking my computer so I will keep you up to date with --I'm sure a sanitized version of what my first stay at a clothing optioal gay like. I have 8 new suits to wear--- I always like to have new suits when I go on vacation-----------I intend to give them away to friends I meet---- on the condition that they wear them in front of me --preferably in the HOT tub---------- I'l be in touch Ted Sorry you guys are staying home in the current (Jan 17 2009) deep freeze ha ha ha no I'm not! Ted
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:40 pm
by Matt
Sharing a shower with 5 guys is nothing-try 15-18.Have a good trip -don't do anything Jace and I wouldn't do.

Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:25 pm
by Scotty
well that leaves it pretty WIIIDE open - lol .. but yeah have a blast .. it should be fun

Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:15 pm
by bigbiGambleD
yeh 20 guys in a shower is a real challenge matty, love the new avatar btw
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:06 am
by highlandssailor
White speedos do work! The pool side bar was packed last night as i swam my laps. I was the only one in the pool. I got out and went to the bar in my white Aussie Bums. I only had tme to drink 3 drinks before being invited to bed. Before I knew it ,I was stoned and laid.Whew I may have to wear a black speed today to slow down a little bit. I have an apt. for a massage poolside at noon today. Just to be prepared, I asked the front desk what I should wear or nothing. He told me he never knew anyone to wear anything for a massage. OK now I know!. Talk to you tomorrow----------Ted
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:28 am
by SpeedoSlave
Speedos just get in the way. Had a nice stay at a gay complex just before Xmas, and accept for the bar everyone was naked. The exception being one guy who got a little too much sun

Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:57 pm
by Scotty
Yeah I've never had a non-nude massage (well except fo rone of those massage chairs @ the mall and they probably would have gotten ticked off if i stripped there - lol)
And Ted - you need to up your game .... just 1 the first day? lol tee-hee just have fun with it ...
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:49 pm
by bigbiGambleD
clothes during a massage? that should be illegal

Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:19 am
by highlandssailor
I met a hot guy at happy hour last night. I had a new pair of leather pants i was looking for someone to give them to who could wear them with confidence. I decided he would do nicely. When I asked if he would like them he stripped off his gause pants and put on the leather ones. We went back to my room to glue the hem. While we waited for the glue to dry we entertained ourselves. He was blond and was so fair you could hardly see his eye brows and lashes. I showed him how to use eye brow pencil, mascarre and bronzer for a subtle look.So off to dinner at the A&B Lobster House restaurant . We had 1 drink at the barand paid for them at the bar.We each had a pound of stone crab claws which I wanted him to try . He was from Seattle and was familiar with dungenous crab ( we decided the stone crab claws were too hard to eat) but they were good! We then had Florida lobster tails and banana foster for desert. Guess how much $. $125. each with no alcohol. But what the hell we are on vacation! I was waiting to make sure my observation was correct before I told you I am the only guy wearing speedos here. No one has any qualms about parading around naked all day or they wear box cuts. I think it is far sexier to keep a little bit hidden with a speedo! Today I have decided to wear my gold one.Scot--- there are lots of tattoos--but I am the only one with pierced nips. Wed. it is supposed to get cold here lows in the 40s and highs in the 60s I guess we will have to drink in the hot tub all day.. Cheers--Ted
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:16 am
by maddtown
I just got back from Key West last night. Its a shame the weather wasn't great. But I did get enough sun to get the beginnings of a some nice speedo tan lines.
I stayed at the Oasis. The first two days, the average age of the people staying there was somewhere between 50 and death. Luckily the weekend brought an influx of younger people and the average age probably dropped into the 40s by then.
I only brought speedos with me so I'd have no choice but to wear them. I was far from the only person wearing them though. There were usually three or four other people in speedos. Although most tended to be older (30+) or European. Most other people wore square cuts and the under 30 guys wore dork shorts.
Ted, I highly recommend the restaurants Blue Heaven and Seven Fish. I had amazing dinners at both places. Seven Fish you need a reservation for.
Did you go to the "Getting Rid of Bush party" at Saloon One? They were shaving peoples privates for charity. It was kinda disappointing. Only one person did it while I was there. They probably shouldn't have been using a large, scary looking shaver. It was more appropriate for shearing sheep.
Oh, and if you see a guy who looks like the designer Michael Kors in town, it is Michael Kors.
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:58 am
by highlandssailor
hey maddtown thanks for the restaurant advice I will go to Blue Heaven tonight if possible and let you know today(tues) I plan to stay propped up in bed watching the inaugeration onTV, play on the computer (facebook& U tube)and reading

there is no eye candy here either! Ted
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:38 pm
by Justin88
It's kinda cold in Florida right now for people who live here. Any air/water temp below 80 is cold. For me anyway . Tonight its sposed to get down to 40. The hi in KW tomorrow will be only 65. We actully have a wind chill. Yeeep.
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:24 pm
by swimteam
I was there with my GF on Dec 27-30. I wore the Speedos to the beach at the state park (is it Truman SP? By the fort). During the two days we had on the beach, I'd spot 3-4 other speedos. These weren't people showing off or hooking up but just enjoying them as swimwear. Of course I kept thinking dirty thoughts and had to flip over butt end up to conceal the erections. My GF doesn't like me looking at guys (especially in speedos) but she's gonna have to poke my eyes out to stop me. Oh yeah, I wore in in the tiny pool at the Crowne Plaza La Concha but by that time I was so drunk there coulda been nuns there and I would have given them a free show.
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:56 pm
by highlandssailor
Last night 3 of us went to club Aqua (Key West) --supposedly a gay bar ---yey right--- 90% of the people there were straight couples where the wife wanted a picture of her husband with the transvestite "performer" I put performer in " " because it was all lip sinc ---We did'nt stay long. Qwest next door was'nt any better.Came home and had fun! Tonight was FUN --the house sprang for a 15 passenger limo for a tour of the island. They sent along 4 bottles of champaign also. Everyone has to understand that when I say not many guys here wear speedos I mean those who don't are nude. Saw 2 more white Aussie Bumms today besides mine; one with the lining cut out. I cut the lining out of my "ice blues" but my white I'm leaving alone---for now---no promises! I rented a 24 speed Trek bike yesterday for $65. for 5 days brand new-- my tush was the first to hit the seat. Key West is 2 miles by 4 miles so when I cycle about 15 miles a day there isn't much I have'nt seen.I bought a new suit today --a 3G ? navy ,blue smaller than a square ,cut with FULL! pouch, silver buckles on the 2 front pockets and silver balls on the ends of the tie strings --not a speedo but HOT --hey ---I needed something conservative so I would"nt look like a slut aaall the time. I have extended my stay by a week so when you get tired of my garbage just don't look. Tomorrow is a gay 3 hr sunset cruise ---what speedo should I wear ---decisions ,decisions .I would say that since it it evening wear that my gold lam'e would be very appropriate and in good taste--don't you? -- I'm getting uncomfortable signing my name---what if my mother found this oh shit why not? Ted And Scotty keep your opinions to yourself--hot tits!
Re: My vacation in Key West
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:01 am
by highlandssailor
I have rented a house In old towm Key West for feb,mar and apr 2009.I plan to wear my speedos every day.I have'nt worn my white aussie bums to the beach yet but I know I will soon.-----Ted