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speedo body

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:15 pm
by UrSexy
im one of those people who love speedos but shouldnt be seen in public with one on, so i dont. what are good diets and weightlose tips. i know swimming is a great way to lose weight but there are no pools or avaible for me.

Re: speedo body

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:28 pm
by vreiculs
This is a hard one to answer well. You basically have 3 things you can vary to lose weight: the amount of fuel you burn, the amount of fuel that you consume, and the quality of the fuel. First, start exercising every day, even more general activity - walking, using the stairs, house cleaning, whatever - will help. If you can get into a regular exercise routine that is the best. Second, star paying attention to the amount of food that you eat. Be honest, and recognize all the little extra calories that creep into your diet. Many people eat a high percentage of their daily calories after their last meal. Lastly, take a good look at the quality of food that you eat. If it's "white" stay away from it (breads, pastas, refined flour based foods, etc). Go Mediterranean if possible. As a rule of thumb, guys look really good in speedos weighing about 2.5 lbs per inch of height. So, a 6 ft guy should weigh 180 lbs, more or less, preferably less.