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The "Immoral" Swimsuit

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:51 pm
by tylerdurden
An extract from an article in the Brisbane Courier Mail on the Paralympics:
Australia's gold medallists were Peter Leek in the 100m butterfly in world record time after he lowered the world record he set in the morning qualifying races, and cyclists Kieran Modra and Tyson Lawrence (pilot) and Queenslander Chris Scott.

Leek was also accused by a FINA official of wearing an "immoral" and "immodest" swimming costume because they sat so low on his hips.

Leek says he would check with his coach but sees no reason to discard the costume.

Wow, immodest I can understand, but can a swimsuit be "immoral"?

Does anyone have a picture so that we can judge for ourselves?

Re: The "Immoral" Swimsuit

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:24 am
by California Dolphin
Hey Mr. News Commentator:
You seem to be “unclear on the concept “ of swimming events. It’s best performed (and the most pleasurable) when going “Au Natural” and it’s supposed to be “immodest”.

However, if you want modesty, just cover only formal meetings like concerts and conventions where everyone is wearing formal dress.

As for swimming, it’s a strip-down event –not a business conference.

California Dolphin

Re: The "Immoral" Swimsuit

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:43 pm
by Scotty
Hahaha - great response California Dolfin ... :mrgreen:

Re: The "Immoral" Swimsuit

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:55 am
by SpeedoMike
he'll probably propose a new regulation requiring boardshorts reaching below the knees. :roll: