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Any lifeguarders here?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:14 pm
by more_speedos
An opportunity recently came up for me to become a lifeguard for the summer at the nearby lake and/or pools. I was disappointed to find when I had obtained information pertaining to the course that they listed NO SPEEDOS (or bikinis for girls). Is it like this for all lifeguarding jobs?

I even looked on a few swimwear sites selling lifeguarding gear and for guys they only carried shorts.

Please tell me it ain't so?

Re: Any lifeguarders here?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:51 am
by Chrisy
huh, i wouldnt think so...i mean the speedo is the lifeguard, without the speedo its not a lifeguard. you say lifeguard you think speedo (or baywatch). i must say id hope it was only that pool/lake that has this.
the lifeguards at the local pool for me wear jogging trousers and a t-shirt but they also have to run a gym and keep squash courts clean etc. and that means walking round the building. dissapointing if a lifeguard cvant wear a speedo these days :(

Re: Any lifeguarders here?

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:22 pm
by speedoswim
yeah sadly no speedos at my lifeguarding job. In fact they told us that they were not allowed, saying that it was a sexual harassment issue even thought the girl word guard bikinis. Guess the only thing i can do, and do do, is wear a speedo under my guard suit...still enjoyable sitting there in my speedo :D

Re: Any lifeguarders here?

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:35 pm
by Chrisy
i dont get it really, i mean the speedo is designed to be worn for swimming and to cover up certains areas of the male anatomy. a bikini is no diffrent for women except they have a top to cover their breasts. i mean most bikini bottoms show more skin than a speedo does as bikini bottoms usually have to be tied at the side as its the style so a speedo - which is 1 fully joined fabric peice covers more than a bikini bottom yet they get away woth it. i just dont understand why lifeguards cannot wear them yet the swimmers they guard can. :evil:
also speedo sponsor alot of swimming competitions yet the guards at these cannot wear the speedo breifs. if it is not allowed then why not make them illegal and thus banning them from being sold in shops? i mean i can walk inot my local sports shop and see a whole section of speedos so its hardly R18 swim wear, plus they come for all sizes and ages. its Political Correctness gone mad along with all the other PC matters. its a joke really.
i hate political correctness, it has everyone paranoid and depressed.
a lifeguard that isnt allowed to wear popular swimwear to do his job...what next firemen cant wear the yellow fireproof jackets as its symbolic of strippers? give me a break

Re: Any lifeguarders here?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:21 am
by SpeedoMike
take a look at the my post Speedo Lifeguard Uniform Troubles here in Speedo Talk ... it's something I wrote kinda as a fantasy story a while back. I guess I was a bit before my time. :D