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What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:21 am
by SpeedoMike
Did your mom or dad ever give you shit about wearing Speedos? My mom more than once strongly suggested that I not wear them. She then suggested I wear "something" underneath them but I told her I was wearing a "liner" (Moms weren't supposed to know what jocks were in those days.) Mom told me to wear a tighter one, but I one-upped her by saying I was already wearing a "small". When I went off to school I bought my first real Speedo™! 8)

One of my friend's mom bought him a stretch nylon "bikini" each spring and encouraged him to wear it. Lucky dude! Evidently she was proud he was growing up. My mom wasn't.

So, what were your experiences.

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:47 am
by hotstuff
when i first started taking swimming lessons my parents bought me a blue speedo.....i was about 8 and haven't looked back since. now i'm 31 and have about 40 speedos, all differnet kinds, brands, and colours. it doesn't stop there though considering i have a full on lycra fetish...

...maybe i'll model my 'flames slingshot thong' in leather tomorrow! (it's white with red flames on the front)

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:32 am
by zee
my mom bought me a color-striped speedo when I was about 9. they bought me like a pair every year as i got older.

today i've about 20-30 pairs in my collection, mainly Speedo, TYR & Arena brands. I luv them so much =)

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:59 am
by Erik
My mom is the perfect example of anti-speedo mom. She hates them and makes rude comments anytime she sees them at the beach. I didnt get my first speedo till I was 16 and I could drive to the store and get my own. And still then I wore it to the beach when she didnt go. Now I am 21, in college and my fiance absolutely loves that I wear speedos. When she first found out I wore speedos she ordered me my first Aussiebum. We have been plotting to have our wedding at the beach so I can suprise my mom. Cant wait to see the look on her face. :twisted:

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:15 am
by swimgod81
Mine was totally helped that I was on the community swim team starting at age 6 so I ALWAYS needed new speedos for my sport. She never mined buying them either since speedos and googles are much cheaper than gear needed for other sports that I could have wanted to join instead

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:14 am
by Chrisy
my family laughed, sisters and parents etc when we first went out as a family to the pool. :cry: i said "so what?" and carried on enjoying myself haha :D who cares what they think, not me

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:17 pm
by SpeedoMike
Chrisy wrote:who cares what they think, not me
apparently your mom didn't give your Speedos to Goodwill... :|

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:26 pm
by Chrisy
no she gave them to badwill next door, preferred me to wear shorts but i feel they fall off easily even when tied due to air catching in pockets (or some smart .... grabbing them) :evil: when i went to buy a new pair of speedos she kept trying her damndest to get me to buy shorts, you know how it goes " i like these*points to shorts*" "how about them, they have a good design *again the shorts*" lol
plus i prefer my speedos hehe, that was a while ago tho. :wink:

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:04 pm
by deadendwaterfall
I'm not trying to hijack this thread, but you'll see my point to this thread once you've read this. OK,

I first started wearing Speedos when I was 9 years old because I went for swimming lessons every Tuesday after school. I hated the swimming lessons, but would always be so damn excited about the swimming lessons because I would be wearing my Speedos! Even though I was too young to get a boner back then, I remember the intense feeling of excitement I used to get when I put my Speedos on and when I entered the swimming pool. I bet that if I had been older, I would have got a massive boner.

The Speedos were dark blue at the front and back with a light blue and a light green stripe either sides.

When I was older, I got given swim shorts instead. They had a strange and uncomfortable feeling of being heavy and slightly baggy. Nothing like the feeling of my Speedos I used to wear. When I was 13, I remember going shopping with my mum at the local supermarket, and we were looking in the clothes section and I saw a pair of dark blue Speedos with a different shade of blue stripes down the sides. I begged my mum to buy my a pair, but she said "No" for the simple reason that other people will be able to see my "private bits" (as she called it) when I get an erection.

My mum had (and still has) a big thing against me wearing Speedos and later said that other people will think I am gay for wearing Speedos and "big boys" wear shorts when swimming instead. My dad kept bullying me about it, saying that I am a weirdo for liking the feel of wearing Speedos and that I had better stay away from my sister, (I hadn't done ANYTHING to her, I rarely even speak to her!!!!) My brother has a similar attitude towards me wearing Speedos.

Earlier this year, I went into a local sportswear shop and brought a new pair for just £5!!!! (You can see what they look like in my profile picture). They fit me like a glove and the first time I tried them on when I got home, (I tried them on in the bathroom), I got a massive boner I had to take them off again and let my load out into the toilet.

So, to sum things up, what did my "mom" say? No wearing Speedos, as people might see my "private bits" if I wear Speedos and get a boner and people might think I am gay for wearing Speedos!

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:19 pm
by Nate
I think my mum has been a bit weirded out by it. I wore them as a child but she see's them as things children grow out of and into shorts.

Now that I've started swimming more seriously I wear them a lot more and I'm more open about them, my mum still think it's a bit odd but I've convinced her it helps a lot with my swimming and that if I want to take my swimming to the next level they are pretty much as essential as kickboards and pullbouys.

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:52 pm
by Speedo1986
My mom really doesn't appreciate them, but my wife really loves them so I'm game to wear them all the time. I really don't worry about what my mom says about speedos. Every time she sees me in them she makes the comment, "you still wear those things?" I just tell her yep, they are the best.

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:41 pm
by tanned bum
I don't recall the first time I wore a speedo but I know I was very young. We had a pool in the yard so I was rushed off to the YMCA for swim lessons very young. I don't know if it was required but everyone wore them. Since I liked to swim and did almost daily, I continued to wear them. Mom picked up new ones any time she thought the ones I was wearing were too small or too worn out (the butt used to suffer from the pool coping)
My only recollection of her hollering about speedos was when my buddies and I came home and took a dip in the pool. We had just run in and dove in wearing whatever shorts we had on. When I walked into the kitchen and water was dripping all over her floor I was told to take the shorts off immediately and put on a speedo. (there was one hanging on a drying rack inside the door) Told my buddies that there was no TV or snack cuz they would drip on the floors so bring speedos to leave here for the future. They did and that was the last mention I have had from mother or any family member about speedos.
Ironically, those 3 friends are still friends many many years later. We went through YMCA swim teams, high school swim teams and on to college swimming. After graduation came moving apart and all that comes with growing up. We do get together at least once a year on a weekend vacation and still pull on our speedos when we head to the pool or beach. And Mom still has a picture of the four of us sitting with the family pictures in the library - all of us in our speedos by the pool.

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:01 pm
by ...:::sam:::...
SpeedoMike wrote:Did your mom or dad ever give you shit about wearing Speedos? My mom more than once strongly suggested that I not wear them. She then suggested I wear "something" underneath them but I told her I was wearing a "liner" (Moms weren't supposed to know what jocks were in those days.) Mom told me to wear a tighter one, but I one-upped her by saying I was already wearing a "small". When I went off to school I bought my first real Speedo™! 8)

One of my friend's mom bought him a stretch nylon "bikini" each spring and encouraged him to wear it. Lucky dude! Evidently she was proud he was growing up. My mom wasn't.

So, what were your experiences.
Speedos is what mum used to buy me. I'd never heard of wearing anything under them.

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:54 pm
by jetboy72
When you grow up as a competitive swimmer, speedos is all you ever know...thankfully!! I did not realise my appreciation of speedos until the hormones kicked in, and now I love them! I feel sorry for anyone wearing shorts or boardshorts as it shows they are insecure about their bodies, as well as extremely uncomfortable.

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:52 pm
by JonUK037
Both my parents have always been fine with me wearing Speedos. I remember my mum saying that she didn't see why I couldn't just carry on wearing them when I asked her to buy me some shorts as a teenager. My request came after a PE lesson when I was the only guy wearing Speedos. Fortunately I saw the light and switched back to Speedos a couple of years later. I still go swimming with my mum occassionally when I'm back home for a visit and she hasn't commented on my swimwear choice for years.

Re: What Did Mom Say?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:32 am
by Luquoso
JonUK037 wrote:. My request came after a PE lesson when I was the only guy wearing Speedos. Fortunately I saw the light and switched back to Speedos a couple of years later.
Same thing for me! I was teased by the other boys for wearing a speedo though!!

But all grown up back onto speedos and I love it!!