Tired of scrolling?
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:14 pm
OK guys, I had assumed that everyone had stumbled on this little trick until I was speaking with a relatively frequent member of the board who didn't realize it .... so if you DO know about it, great, but if you DON'T - then read more .....
You know all of these new embedded pictures that have scroll bars to the right? Well if you're tired of scrolling through the whole pic, just click once on the picture - they instantly pop up full size within the post .... no need to scroll
I'm sure many of you realized this, but for the rest of you, I hope this helps
You know all of these new embedded pictures that have scroll bars to the right? Well if you're tired of scrolling through the whole pic, just click once on the picture - they instantly pop up full size within the post .... no need to scroll

I'm sure many of you realized this, but for the rest of you, I hope this helps