Hello from a new member of the board
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:04 pm
Hi there. I found this site by accident and I have really enjoyed looking around and finding out a bit more about you all. I have had a thing about Speedos for as long as I can remember but didn't know there were places like this where I could join others with the same interest. It is great to find it and I am looking forward to finding out more.
When I was about 15 I saw pictures of a local water polo team in the paper and I kept it for a long time as the guys in it looked really hot in their Speedos. That started my fantasy about Speedos and the guys who wear them. Over the years I have loved wearing Speedos. I love to cum on a pair of my Speedos and the front of the current pair is really stiff now and feels great when I wear them. Pity I don't have anyone to help me make them even stiffer!
When I was about 15 I saw pictures of a local water polo team in the paper and I kept it for a long time as the guys in it looked really hot in their Speedos. That started my fantasy about Speedos and the guys who wear them. Over the years I have loved wearing Speedos. I love to cum on a pair of my Speedos and the front of the current pair is really stiff now and feels great when I wear them. Pity I don't have anyone to help me make them even stiffer!