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When did you know you were gay, bi, or whatever?

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:08 pm
by bigjay
So when did you guys first know you were gay?

Mine was when I was 15 and I began fantacising about the hott guys I saw all the time. It became official when I kissed the first one, and then of course it got physical from there on out.

Looking back on it though, my first kiss was with a boy at daycare when I was 7, we even "played" with each other. Not knowing then what we were doing or what it meant but now I do and wonder if that had meant something.

Anyway tell us!

Jay :wink: :)

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:14 pm
by DaveSpeedoEvans
I think mine was when I was about 14 or 15 and we had swimming class at skool - all boys skool and I found myself masturbating afterwards thinking about a guy in class.

We never did anything but I did get a couple of the other guys in the years that followed.

Re: When did you know you were gay, bi, or whatever?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:47 pm
by highlandssailor
I don't think I can identify exactly when I knew but as a preteen I would go home and masterbate thinking of my guy friends at the neighborhood pool where I lived all summer growing up.We all wore speedos because we were all on the swim team. In high school I buddied around with a group of friends which never made it neccessary to choose a girl as a "girl friend". Same thing in college ;Iwas on the sailing team and we were all friends and really did'nt pair up. One night we were out of town on a sailing trip. All the team stayed in a motel. BUT Barbara wanted to spend the night in my VW van with me -----surprise! no sex . I don't know what she thought. Then guess what--- I found a woman I was really attracted to---married her and raised two wonderful kids. My sexuality became more and more apparent until finally we divorced. Now I am out and determined to enjoy my gayness. And yes I wear white Aussiebum speedos!

Re: When did you know you were gay, bi, or whatever?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:25 am
by bigbiGambleD
I was the summer after i turned 16 and i dated and had fun with a couple girls, and then had fun with two guys and I knew they were both my type

Re: When did you know you were gay, bi, or whatever?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:57 pm
by Hotswimmr
I guess I always knew there was something different about me. As I was going through school, I never understood all the fuss that guys were making about girls. In 7th grade, in the locker room one day before gym class, I saw a guy with a hardon. It was weird, he just ignored it and went about changing his clothes like being hard was the most natural thing in the world. I got so aroused myself I was dizzy. That was a clue, lol.

Re: When did you know you were gay, bi, or whatever?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:44 pm
by bigjay
Glad to see some of my old posts still get attention. I've had some major changes since I was here last, one is that I came out to all of my family and friends. Biggest and hardest thing I might ever do, well aside from my own cock...I had to throw that in. Seriously it's changed my life. Just figured life is too short to hide anymore and I am happy as I am. I'm only 23, but I've been gay since I can remember. Apparently according to the microbiologist in our family, its genetic. I'm not sure I believe that, but I'm happy regardless.

Re: When did you know you were gay, bi, or whatever?

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:06 am
by SpeedoMike
bigjay wrote: I came out to all of my family and friends.
glad your experience turned out to be so successful! 8)

Re: When did you know you were gay, bi, or whatever?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:38 am
by bigbiGambleD
[quote="bigjay"] I came out to all of my family and friends. Biggest and hardest thing I might ever do[/quote]

Im happy for you J, being hidden just isnt how man was meant to live