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Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:29 pm
by The Boy Wonder
Not specifically speedo talk, but thought it'd be worth a mention on a majority-gay forum.

Anyone here used the iPhone app 'Grindr'?

It's an app that uses GPS technology to hook up with guys that are near you, you can chat to them and then if you want, meet up and then god knows what.

At first I was skeptical thinking that the whole world was gonna be able to get out their iPhones and go "That guy in the red top - he's gay!" but it's totally not like that, you can still keep a certain amount of privacy. It'll have how far away you are, but not your exact location - and you can decide on what information is provided in your bio and what you want your display picture to be.

I think it's fantastic. Anyone else used it? I might be meeting a guy soon who seems really nice so time will tell whether it's 100% successful lol although i've chatted to a few nice guys in my area already and I've only been on it for one day. Not me a huge speedo fan yet though, but may find one soon :=p

Re: Grindr

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:58 pm
by swimmerboy

Where have you been for the last year?!

Re: Grindr

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:55 am
by The Boy Wonder
Haha I'm waaay behind :(

Re: Grindr

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:18 pm
by briwin
I use it on a regular basis... have met many people.

I find that it's great when you travel, get to meet a whole bunch of new people [that are looking for a variety of things]

I really enjoy it, it's the first app on the first page :oops:

Re: Grindr

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:11 am
by CerealKiller
I have it for Android. Well, I did; I got rid because it wasn't really my thing. It was fun to use for a few days but I got bored of it and I wasn't ever going to meet up with anyone from it.

I do think it's great for what it does and I find the idea of a real-life gaydar quite amusing. If only they had one for the general population. :P