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Crop top rash guard

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 5:50 am
by SpeedySpeedo
Does any one know if any one sells men’s crop top rash guard I think it would go well with a speedo as it’s hard to get a rash guard that isn’t to long or to short with normal rash guards when wearing them with speedos. It’s would all to offer a little sun protection were you need it most.

Re: Crop top rash guard

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:14 am
by SammyKyoupan
BioGear / Mizuno make them! They're not really surfing rash guards. They're actually made as skin tight undershirts for baseball.

I have a fellow fetish friend back home who loves to wear them with bread competition. He cuts some to be croptop or just wear them full (which come down to cover your navel). He loves the look and feel.

I don't think they sell them outside of Japan but you can order them from other countries via ZenMarket (I posed about this in another thread).

My friend can be a little over-the-top about it all (wild and crazy as he is), but actually looks pretty hot in his outfits. He is the ultimate sexy show-off when it comes to Bread Competition / Kyoupan and can get very creative, which is what I love about him!
:lol: :oops: :roll: 8)
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Re: Crop top rash guard

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:09 am
by SpeedySpeedo
Thanks for the suggestion i will have a look a them, i was thinking about just modifying a normal rash guard any way.

By the way your friend is very cute i really like his style.

Re: Crop top rash guard

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:48 am
by ...:::sam:::...
You can get rashies at any of the surf shops.

Try like Billabong, Quicksilver etc. For the crop ones that SLS wear, they're made by Finz. Pic of the Finz ones below.

Re: Crop top rash guard

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:56 pm
by Thom
...:::sam:::... wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:48 am
You can get rashies at any of the surf shops.

Try like Billabong, Quicksilver etc. For the crop ones that SLS wear, they're made by Finz. Pic of the Finz ones below.
These would be perfect here in Florida for swimming/snorkeling in the surf in the summer to keep from getting fried. Looks like Finz specializes in teams and clubs only, because their site doesn't seem to sell retail online. Here in the U.S., guys are wearing rash guards so loose they look like T's. You might just as well grab a T from your drawer, wear that and save money. Goes well with the cotton underwear guys wear under their board the water. Ack! :roll:

Re: Crop top rash guard

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:29 am
by Scottiebum
Thom wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:56 pm
...:::sam:::... wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:48 am
You can get rashies at any of the surf shops.

Try like Billabong, Quicksilver etc. For the crop ones that SLS wear, they're made by Finz. Pic of the Finz ones below.
These would be perfect here in Florida for swimming/snorkeling in the surf in the summer to keep from getting fried. Looks like Finz specializes in teams and clubs only, because their site doesn't seem to sell retail online. Here in the U.S., guys are wearing rash guards so loose they look like T's. You might just as well grab a T from your drawer, wear that and save money. Goes well with the cotton underwear guys wear under their board the water. Ack! :roll:
As a fan of lycra I cannot understand wearing loose cotton in the water either tops or bottoms.
I would think if I was looking for sun protection I would get a T shaped top to cover my shoulders as well. (Would also prevent the bra shaped tan lines!)

Re: Crop top rash guard

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:26 am
by Thom
Scottiebum wrote:
Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:29 am

I would think if I was looking for sun protection I would get a T shaped top to cover my shoulders as well. (Would also prevent the bra shaped tan lines!)
That does make sense. Still, for me in the water, I just don't like shoulder restriction. I don't have good shoulder mobility and even just sensing something on my shoulders in the water just feels funny. My favorite shortie wet suit is sleeveless. I had to special order it. Earlier I special-ordered a very thin neoprene short tri suit with short sleeves. It's only 1.5mil or something, and even just that felt awkward. I will say with it's shiny outer neoprene, that suit looked hot.

Re: Crop top rash guard

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:46 am
by Scottiebum
Thom wrote:
Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:26 am
Scottiebum wrote:
Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:29 am

I would think if I was looking for sun protection I would get a T shaped top to cover my shoulders as well. (Would also prevent the bra shaped tan lines!)
That does make sense. Still, for me in the water, I just don't like shoulder restriction. I don't have good shoulder mobility and even just sensing something on my shoulders in the water just feels funny. My favorite shortie wet suit is sleeveless. I had to special order it. Earlier I special-ordered a very thin neoprene short tri suit with short sleeves. It's only 1.5mil or something, and even just that felt awkward. I will say with it's shiny outer neoprene, that suit looked hot.
Ah yes, see what you mean.

Yeah, I bet the smoothskin looked good!