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women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:55 pm
by landoffrozensheep
In the vein of how many men have a thing for lesbians, anyone know anyone of the female persuasion who has a thing for gay men?
My wife reliably tells me that much of the gay fiction readers are women and a good percentile is written by women....
My wife even commented that it would be "hot" to watch me with another guy (in the same vein as many men quite like the idea of seeing their wife get it on with another woman or women) Opportunity has never arisen though.

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:47 pm
by VPL
land, would you do it if the opportunity did arise?

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:49 pm
by BJE
My wife doesn’t have a thing for gay men and would not want to watch me with another man. I also have no desire to see my wife with another woman or man or to see lesbians making out. I will admit though that seeing guys have sex together turns me on. Not that I would participate but it’s hot to see.

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:40 pm
by landoffrozensheep
VPL wrote:
Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:47 pm
land, would you do it if the opportunity did arise?
I'm open minded, try most things once,really would depend on the guy, appearance, attitude etc

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 8:25 pm
by blueflinch
I'm a gay man and I've never met a woman with a thing for gay men in person.

I believe what you're talking about, land, is sexual fantasies. I do believe many young heterosexual women get off from stories about man-on-man action. There's a whole genre of fan fiction called "slash" Usually, it's female fans of a TV show imagining they favourite boy characters are making sweet, sweet love. I've read a few of the stories, and the characters didn't sound like gay men, or even ordinary men, going at it. They all seemed suspiciously feminine and female, only with male equipment! :lol:

In other words, this branch of erotica isn't terribly realistic. But I guess for some young ladies with vivid imaginations it's a bit of fun, a nice form of escapism. :roll:

Of course, some straight men get off on, say, two straight chicks mud-wrestling in bikinis. Kind of the same deal, really, only in reverse ... I guess if you like vagina, two vaginas are hotter than one. If you like dicks, two dicks are hotter than one, etc. :lol:

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:53 pm
by landoffrozensheep
blueflinch wrote:
Sat Feb 29, 2020 8:25 pm
I'm a gay man and I've never met a woman with a thing for gay men in person.

I believe what you're talking about, land, is sexual fantasies. I do believe many young heterosexual women get off from stories about man-on-man action. There's a whole genre of fan fiction called "slash" Usually, it's female fans of a TV show imagining they favourite boy characters are making sweet, sweet love. I've read a few of the stories, and the characters didn't sound like gay men, or even ordinary men, going at it. They all seemed suspiciously feminine and female, only with male equipment! :lol:

In other words, this branch of erotica isn't terribly realistic. But I guess for some young ladies with vivid imaginations it's a bit of fun, a nice form of escapism. :roll:

Of course, some straight men get off on, say, two straight chicks mud-wrestling in bikinis. Kind of the same deal, really, only in reverse ... I guess if you like vagina, two vaginas are hotter than one. If you like dicks, two dicks are hotter than one, etc. :lol:
I'm well aware of slash lol
Tbh I think for many its the realms of fantasy, though I have done computer work for a few to recover documents, chat logs etc....and some of the contents are eye opening....maneaters is an understatement, though again I think they have this adonis or twink vision in their heads, rather than 2 middle aged blokes with beer guts going at

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:38 pm
by blueflinch
Haven't encountered any speedo slash, though. I wonder if that's a thing? :lol:

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:15 pm
by landoffrozensheep
blueflinch wrote:
Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:38 pm
Haven't encountered any speedo slash, though. I wonder if that's a thing? :lol:
maybe, you'd be surprised what some women like but won't advertise publicly, although from the chat logs often though they aren't bothered so much with the "wrapping paper" and more the "gift" itself and some of them could be incredibly forward - do you have Kik? I want to see your cock, how big is your dick, show me your cock on cam and jerk it for me etc etc as opening gambits....kinda bursts the media "all men are predators and all women are shrinking violets" many of the responses they got were of shock and "I'm not doing that"
Me personally....meh don't care, used to get my kit off on cam when I was 20/21 (which at the time was a thrill) but since having an adult circumcision in my late 20s I''ve had nowhere as much fear about people seeing my junk and no thrill either (the novelty of other folk seeing it wears off after 10 people see it during surgery and then multiple nurses and doctors after that, particularly when its black and blue and bandaged)

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:21 pm
by blueflinch
I grew up in a religious environment. So, to this day, I kind of find it hard to believe women have sexual desires. I was taught women only do it out of duty to their husbands, and don't really enjoy it. I'm still waiting to be disillusioned ... :lol:

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 1:57 pm
by landoffrozensheep
I know what you mean, if you listened to the UK feminist politicians you'd think that ALL men are rapists just waiting to strike and that women all walk the streets frightened to death every single second of the day and that women are still oppressed ala 1800s, I think they'd be in for a shock if they visited some of the middle eastern countries....exposure to real discrimination rather than what their imagination cooks up....

Re: women with a "thing" for gay men

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:02 pm
by blueflinch
landoffrozensheep wrote:
Thu Mar 05, 2020 1:57 pm
I know what you mean, if you listened to the UK feminist politicians you'd think that ALL men are rapists just waiting to strike and that women all walk the streets frightened to death every single second of the day and that women are still oppressed ala 1800s, I think they'd be in for a shock if they visited some of the middle eastern countries....exposure to real discrimination rather than what their imagination cooks up....
There's two sides to every story. Obviously, there are men who sexually harass women. I don't know who the men, though. Even if I were straight, I'd probably be too shy to say anything rude to a woman in person. Clearly, there are men out there with very obnoxious personalities. Either that, or they have mental health problems, so they don't think about consequences ... None of the men in my life act like that. The men in my life are intimidated by women, if anything. :lol: