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Perth Trip Looking for thing to do down their?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:34 am
by SpeedySpeedo
I am going to Perth in a few months and am looking for some things to do in a speedo while im down their any suggestion.

So far i have the following list:
  • Beaches
  • Rottnest island
  • adventure world (Any one ever been here and wore a speedo?)
  • Scuba diving course ( has any one else done this, what was it like?)

Re: Perth Trip Looking for thing to do down their?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:17 am
by pix54
All the above are good SpeedySpeedo.
If you have time get to the south west as there are some great beaches there.
Also, look at North Swanbourne Beach as this is our only real nudist beach.
Adventure World is good fun in a group, and speedos are OK.

Re: Perth Trip Looking for thing to do down their?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 6:51 am
by DaveSpeedoEvans

I've never gotten to the West Coast but hear nothing but good things!!!

I have done my PADI Dive courses and have a few hundred dives under my belt. Unfortunately, like surfing, I've never done it wearing just a speedo but I think it should be on my bucket list as well.

Have fun and be sure to let us know how it is.
