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Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:16 am
by 52dno98
There was a big swim meet in my hometown (southern US) this weekend and there were lots and lots of kids. Very few speedos. I noticed that below a certain age (like 13-14), there were precisely zero speedos, but among the teenagers (and presumably more "serious" swimmers), maybe 1 in 5 wore speedos instead of jammers.

Anyway, my point is that I think even in the relatively speedo-friendly world of competitive swimming, speedos might be getting more rare. :(

And I should note as an aside that I swim at two different YMCAs and there's a Masters group at each (I'm not a member of either group but swim at the same time) and I'm almost always the only guy in the pool in a speedo.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:15 pm
by Mazda3mps
wonder if jammers has less drag than briefs?

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:26 pm
by BJE
I think that most men and boys are freaked out about wearing a speedo so jammers offer a "modest" alternative for racing.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:27 pm
by Mazda3mps
BJE wrote:I think that most men and boys are freaked out about wearing a speedo so jammers offer a "modest" alternative for racing.
Which is funny cos jammers makes u look flat hahha

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:31 pm
by BJE
Mazda3mps wrote:
BJE wrote:I think that most men and boys are freaked out about wearing a speedo so jammers offer a "modest" alternative for racing.
Which is funny cos jammers makes u look flat hahha
I think that jammers have the potential of showing more of the penis and testicles than briefs do. Mostly I think guys feel too naked with their thighs showing. Hence the very long length of board shorts when short swim shorts would do to hide the package.

This picture is of rowers not swimmers but illustrated my point.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:03 am
by shadowmn
I think they wear jammers because they're embarrassed to wear the smaller brief cuts. Somehow they think because there's more material, the jammers won't show as much. I had a pair of jammers once and they show just the same or even more. A brief in my opinion will package everything thing up while a jammer can allow things to spread out if you know what I mean. If you're going to swim competitively, you need to get over the whole stigma of speedos and wear what works best. I'll take the brief cut every time.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:54 am
by Thom
When I was rowing in college (for rec, not on a team) the rowing shorts were kind of like a loose square cut, and they were surprisingly revealing, sort of like an AB loose. They were made out of a light grey, knit cotton. They had a piece of soft, grey leather sewn on to the butt for durability and probably to keep you from slipping off the boat seat.

They looked like this pic, except the waist was lower and the legs were shorter. And that was what people wore for practice.
Aussie rowers.jpg
Aussie rowers
Aussie rowers.jpg (37.74 KiB) Viewed 6897 times

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:18 am
by scott1636
At an area athletic club, I've actually seen teens wearing jammers with a speedo over them. I guess nothing shows that way.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:38 am
by Thom
scott1636 wrote:At an area athletic club, I've actually seen teens wearing jammers with a speedo over them. I guess nothing shows that way.
Yikes, well.... The young platform divers in the dive pool at the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex used to wear two pairs of speedos, one over the other, a couple years ago. Haven't been there in a while.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:40 pm
by swimmy
Wearing two speedos is the oldest trick in the book for maximum lift and support. Jammers can go the other way, if you wear them low all your goodies hang low and don't show up.
Honestly I think most young teens haven't figured out how to well a brief well so they are afraid to. It's safer not to, in their minds.
Swimmers aren't in it for the show, you know. Big bulge is not what they want. That's why this whole speedo thing goes two different directions and one of them doesn't get a lot of public appreciation.
The brief over the jammer is silly, we see it all the time, I guess those boys just wish they really had the balls to wear one right. Literally. LOL...

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:04 pm
by BJE
swimmy wrote:Wearing two speedos is the oldest trick in the book for maximum lift and support. Jammers can go the other way, if you wear them low all your goodies hang low and don't show up.
Honestly I think most young teens haven't figured out how to well a brief well so they are afraid to. It's safer not to, in their minds.
Swimmers aren't in it for the show, you know. Big bulge is not what they want. That's why this whole speedo thing goes two different directions and one of them doesn't get a lot of public appreciation.
The brief over the jammer is silly, we see it all the time, I guess those boys just wish they really had the balls to wear one right. Literally. LOL...
The point I've tried toget across on this forum is that manly men should not be afraid to show that they have balls. Men and boys who insist on concealing the fact that they have balls and a penis are effeminate wimps.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:54 pm
by swimsharkau
Thom wrote:
scott1636 wrote:At an area athletic club, I've actually seen teens wearing jammers with a speedo over them. I guess nothing shows that way.
Yikes, well.... The young platform divers in the dive pool at the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex used to wear two pairs of speedos, one over the other, a couple years ago. Haven't been there in a while.
I used to dive when I was younger. We often wore two pairs of speedos, as spending a lot of time in the water - most kids swam as well - meant briefs would often get loose and so we'd just wear two pairs so they'd be tighter. Loose pairs were especially bad when doing front flip dives as they could fall down, two could also help if the top one came down you still had one underneath. Had nothing to do with hiding or lifting bulges.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:40 am
by Thom
swimsharkau wrote:
I used to dive when I was younger. We often wore two pairs of speedos, as spending a lot of time in the water - most kids swam as well - meant briefs would often get loose and so we'd just wear two pairs so they'd be tighter. Loose pairs were especially bad when doing front flip dives as they could fall down, two could also help if the top one came down you still had one underneath. Had nothing to do with hiding or lifting bulges.
I was wondering if it was practical, which is why I wrote without any particular spin on it, because I didn't know. Thanks for posting.

Re: Lots of jammers at a big swim meet

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:53 am
by Thom
swimmy wrote:Swimmers aren't in it for the show, you know. Big bulge is not what they want. That's why this whole speedo thing goes two different directions and one of them doesn't get a lot of public appreciation.
I remember when I bought my first pair to do laps. I was 21 or so. They were nylon. I felt like I'd entered the world of real swimmers.