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College outdoor club cancels speedo hiking event!

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:35 pm
by frankjath
College outdoor club cancels event in which students go hiking in speedos and bikinis.

The statement from OTL’s Facebook page reads: “By having the Speedo Hike as our official welcome event each year, we unintentionally sent the message that to participate in OTL, you must be fit and comfortable with your body image. The name “Speedo” itself inherently implies bro-iness. OTL is so much more than just that, but many potentially interested students get turned off to our club each year because of Speedo Hike. We always welcome leaders to organize strenuous trips (especially the goofy half-naked kind), but when we put all of OTL’s institutional weight behind an event, we send a strong message about who is and isn’t welcome on ALL our trips. We are always working to make OTL a more open and inclusive space, which is why this year’s kick-off event was the Potato Mountain Spud Crawl."

Read more at: ... peedo-hike

What do you guys think?

Re: College outdoor club cancels speedo hiking event!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:14 pm
by swimsharkau
I googled a few articles and read their facebook post.

I think it's disappointing that a club who's sole purpose is to provide challenging and possibly strenuous outdoor activities to people who CHOOSE to join, has to be sensitive to people who want to join but not participate in challenging or strenuous activities.

Unfortunately this is the way the world has gone. Everything is black or white, and if everybody can't be happy then nobody should be happy.

Re: College outdoor club cancels speedo hiking event!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:08 am
by zaps
I understand their reasoning, but just because it's not their kickoff event doesn't mean they can't do it. They should make it one of their seconds hikes at least.

Re: College outdoor club cancels speedo hiking event!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:49 pm
by Snowbrief
I agree with Zaps, even being a speedo wearer, I would wonder what the intent or subliminal message would be there by stating this as the initial event of a college group. College students are very impressionable, especially the first/second year students who want to break away from the parental controls with rebellion, but so much want to fit in with the masses here in the USA.

The best way to a college kid's motivation, hold a pizza party at an out-of-town park for the nature, and then proclaim that the next weekend is the speedo & bikini hike! Describe that you can come speedo/bikini, or shorts, or..... To cancel it outright is a very sad thing for their group as it was stated to have been the most enjoyable event (a statement likely by returning members); maybe next year they will address it differently.....I hope, because from my readings, it was a fun event who had attended and should be continued.

Re: College outdoor club cancels speedo hiking event!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:39 am
by Norfcountryboy
Huh, If I was a participant in this I'd be tempted to try and organise a protest; say at the first cairn everyone who's "In on it" strips off to their speedo's and bikini's. If the powers-that-be don't like it tough titty!

Re: College outdoor club cancels speedo hiking event!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:48 pm
by swimmy
Seems to me that anybody could organize a similar event and pull it off. I wouldn't ask for any endorsement or sponsorship, just a public invite being sure to include everyone or anyone.