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Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 10:26 am
by rockman748
Today for the first time ever I went to the beach in just a speedo. The beach that I go to has a large amount of tourists and vacation homes and Saturday is the switching day. People have to leave by 10AM and most people arrive between 1PM and 3PM. So I went to the beach at around 11:30 and there were some people, but a lot less than usual. I was wearing my board shorts, and I picked out a nice spot, and put my bag down. I then stripped off the board shorts to reveal my Aussiebum Classic 1.5 Azure. I put on the lease to my surfboard, and immediately started walking to the water. Caught a few good waves and probably gave the people on shore a show. I surfed for probably about 45 minutes. which is shorter than usual, but these 2 guys started to invade my surfing spot. Instead of trying to be friendly with them, (they were in their 40-50's [and I'm younger than that]) I just left. I usually surf for at least 2 hours, but I also didn't want to be seen by someone I recognize. I then quickly walked up to the beach, got my shorts out of my bag, put them on and then left. It felt good to be surfing in just an Aussiebum. No one made any comments, but I wasn't near anyone for them to make a comment. I can't confidently say that I'll completely trash the boardies, but this is a start.
Sorry, but no photos of me on the beach in them for now (and probably awhile)
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:25 am
by Snowbrief
Good job rock, your story rocks!
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:00 pm
by VAspeedo
Sounds awesome. Where's your beach spot?
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:47 am
by diveguy
Congratulations! Great story. Great motivation!
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:25 am
by Scottiebum
Sounds great fun, good for you!
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:15 am
by _su_
Good for you! I frequently ride my body board in my speedos. Even the times I wear board shorts while bodyboarding, I find surfers invading my spot, and most (but not all) are assholes. Better to move on than becoming a target for getting run over, which has happened to me many times.
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:04 am
by DaveSpeedoEvans
Good for you mate!!! I've never been surfing just in my speedos unfortunately.
Like yourself, I don't particularly want to get 'caught' by a bunch of my mates only wearing a speedo. Here in Aussie it is no big deal to wear them under your boardies or wetsuit, wear them to the pool or shower down to them after being on the beach but going for a surf just in boardies would make my mates give me a hard time.
I do have some more secluded beaches not far from me where I usually go when I'm just chilling out on the beach in speedos, I could probably go for a speedo only surf at one of those spots.
Can you share with us which area you were at? East Coast/West Coast?
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:41 pm
by rockman748
I will only say that the water was not cold while surfing. I was very comfortable in just my speedos. If I give any more details than that I will be forced to wear a burqini for the rest of my life.
Re: Surfing in an Aussiebum
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:06 am
by paspeedo
If it makes you feel any better, you are always more than welcome to hang out with me, as I love to rock mt speedo while on my boogie board.