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Your Weirdest Speedo

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 8:19 am
by DaveSpeedoEvans
G'day guys,

Last weekend I posted about the Corka speedos that Kip gave me when I was in Colorado. One pair are nylon and right now are my 'go to' speedo particularly when lap swimming. When Kip read that post (Alex and Kip, and now Tom read all my blog posts which is kind of fun), Kip gave me a hard time for not wearing the fluro green ones to the pool.

I've never owned a pair of green speedos before and the green in these is very bright.

But, I am a sucker for peer pressure so today I'm going to wear the fluro green speedos to the pool. Alex has told me that he'll meet me at the pool (he often swims during his lunch break and he can walk from his office to the pool). My guess is that Alex will read this post before our swim, he won't have any trouble finding me.

Wish me luck guys - hahaha.

What is the weirdest speedo you've worn in public?



Re: Your Weirdest Speedo

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:39 pm
by BriefsBro
The first speedo I wore to the gym, a navy Speedo solar that's about two-three sizes too small lol

Re: Your Weirdest Speedo

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 4:25 pm
by scottishSpeedo
hard to say
prob a peach coloured one...looked bright red in the photos...but its def peach....
(then again its speedo "made in Britain" so that dates it back at least...16 years or more...)

Re: Your Weirdest Speedo

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:43 am
by Red^^Speedo
Bought a 'jaguar' print suit on Amazon.

They're a big cat print alright ... they look like they belong in a Cheetos commercial!
