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Back from a cruise

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:18 am
by zaps
I just got back from a spectacular cruise. It was a week long and exceptionally relaxing. And for the first time in my life, I went the whole trip wearing speedos only. In fact, I didn't even pack swim shorts.

The first day was the most apprehensive, but I quickly got over it. We started with the waterslide on board the ship. I wore a black speedo with 1" sides. It was late in the evening and it was somewhat cold, so there really wasn't anyone else in line which helped me get over my anxiety pretty quick.

Day 2 we got the spa passes and spent the day in the spa where they have saunas and hot showers, as well as hot tubs and heated loungers. Since I was feeling a lot more confident, I wore a pink speedo with 1" sides. We spent a couple of hours here, and were in and out of the showers and saunas a number of times and I continued to wear just the speedo.

Most of the rest of the week was back in the black speedo on the adult-only section of the deck. I would cool off in a shallow pool, then return back to my lounge chair and read a book for a few hours. I wore only the speedo the entire time I was up there, so there were 2-3 days that I wore only the speedo for the entire day.

The final day I wore a red speedo when we got off to go to the beach. When we got back to the ship, I spent some time in the hot tub. At the end, just to prove to myself that I could do it, I walked the full length of the ship in only my speedo.

It was an amazing week for me, and I think that now that I've managed to go the entire trip wearing speedos so openly and so often that I really don't have any reservations about wearing the speedo in the future. This trip did wonders for my self-esteem in speedos.

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:04 am
by solarguy
Sounds like you had a great trip!! Congrats!

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:42 am
by Scottiebum
Sounds amazing - well done on the speedo wearing! Good that you wore small ones too!

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:05 am
by electric2010
Sounds like a great time! I'm going on a Mediterranean cruise in less that 2 months. I am only taking square cuts & speedos!

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:29 pm
by budgybloke
Good on you Zaps! Speedo confidence makes a guy very sexy.

More men should take your lead.

Glad to hear you got to wear a few different suits. We'd love to see some pics of the red and pink ones!

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:47 am
by timinauckland
Did you attract lots of attention?

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:33 am
by zaps
solarguy wrote:Sounds like you had a great trip!! Congrats!
I did! Thank you!
Scottiebum wrote:Sounds amazing - well done on the speedo wearing! Good that you wore small ones too!
Thank you. I was very happy that those were the suits that I brought for that trip.
electric2010 wrote:Sounds like a great time! I'm going on a Mediterranean cruise in less that 2 months. I am only taking square cuts & speedos!
Limiting my options to only speedos was the best choice I could have made because it made me confident about my choice. There was no getting nervous and wearing shorts because there was no option to wear shorts.
budgybloke wrote:Good on you Zaps! Speedo confidence makes a guy very sexy.

More men should take your lead.

Glad to hear you got to wear a few different suits. We'd love to see some pics of the red and pink ones!
I'll try to take a few pics for you guys soon.
timinauckland wrote:Did you attract lots of attention?
Most of the attention came from my fiance ;) I did get a couple of looks, but no comments at all.

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:12 am
by diveguy
Congratulations and please know that I am supremely envious! Just thinking about placing myself in your situation made me feel some serious boner action coming on! Loved your story, loved your picture (wishing it was me laying out there in a little black speedo!) and love (and share) your love for speedos!

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:16 am
by zaps
diveguy wrote:Congratulations and please know that I am supremely envious! Just thinking about placing myself in your situation made me feel some serious boner action coming on! Loved your story, loved your picture (wishing it was me laying out there in a little black speedo!) and love (and share) your love for speedos!
Thanks. I'm going to have an oppurtunity to do it again in a few months as I will be going on a second cruise this summer. I am looking forward to more days to sit up on the top deck and read a book while wearing just a speedo.

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:24 am
by zaps
budgybloke wrote:We'd love to see some pics of the red and pink ones!
Here you are!

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:04 am
by electric2010
They look great!

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:31 pm
by budgybloke
Agreed. Love 'em both

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:30 pm
by frankjath
Way to go! The black speedo looks super good on you. Once you take the step to wear speedos in public it's not really a big deal like you experienced. I'm happy for you! Did you see any other guys wearing speedos?

Re: Back from a cruise

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:23 am
by zaps
electric2010 wrote:They look great!
budgybloke wrote:Agreed. Love 'em both
Thank you both!
frankjath wrote:Way to go! The black speedo looks super good on you. Once you take the step to wear speedos in public it's not really a big deal like you experienced. I'm happy for you! Did you see any other guys wearing speedos?
I only saw 2 other people in speedos, but at the same time there wasn't really any time that I felt out of place wearing a speedo by the pool, despite being the only one most of the time.