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Question I received on another website

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:51 pm
by frankjath
I'm part of another forum website and social network for nudist naturists called I received a message from a guy asking me for advice, here is the message I received.

"Hi, What advice can you offer me as a dad in raising my sons to have a free spirit as you do? Just started teenaged years and I want to be supportive but not intrusive and don't have any good role models. Your feedback welcome. anders"

I know its not speedo related but I want to get your guys feedback and perspective... how would you go about answering this question? I'm very honored that he asked for my advice. I'm also not a father.

Re: Question I received on another website

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:50 am
by diveguy
I think he should have started long before the sons were teenagers, but if they can handle it psychologically, the whole family should spend some time in a nudist resort. Of course, the poor teenage boys might be spending the whole time indoors or in the pool, trying to keep from showing their constant hard-ons, if there are any halfway attractive naked women walking around.