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Budgie smugglers never went out!
Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:33 pm
by ...:::sam:::...
Re: Budgie smugglers never went out!
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:00 am
by budgybloke
You beaut! Gotta be happy with that. Those clubbies just look like every-day guys who are comfortable to wear speedos. They could be straight, they could be gay. But to them, speedos have nothing to do with being either! That's exactly how it should be.
It's just about being proud to be a man.
Thanks for posting the article, Sam!
Re: Budgie smugglers never went out!
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:23 am
by ...:::sam:::...
That's exactly it BudgyBloke! For us, they are just normal, they're nothing more that what they are.
I think most people think a lot less about them than what many self-conscious wearers think.
Re: Budgie smugglers never went out!
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:05 am
by ExBex
Nice story!
Now that it's confirmed the speedo-acceptance rate is acceptable, it's time to work on the speedo-participation rate!
Re: Budgie smugglers never went out!
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:27 pm
by budgybloke
...:::sam:::... wrote:That's exactly it BudgyBloke! For us, they are just normal, they're nothing more that what they are.
I think most people think a lot less about them than what many self-conscious wearers think.
Yeah, which makes your point and ExBex's strategy entirely appropriate!!
....and on a side note Sam, I need to keep you replying to these posts so we all get to see more of your hot avatar backside in those red Aussiebums.
Re: Budgie smugglers never went out!
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:34 am
by diveguy
Don't ya just love it when journalists write a story and they make no attempt to hide their biases? I couldn't believe how anti-speedo this story was in terms of how it was written. Oh sure, the point of the story being the speedo acceptance rate in Australia, that's fantastic news. But couldn't the writer, one Mr. Jeremy Pierce, at least simply reported the facts and kept his personal distaste of speedos out of it? Even the three reader comments at the end of the story were pro speedo, some even very pro speedo. While even stating the very true fact that speedos started losing favor when American culture took over, and it's not just in Australia, it's world wide.
Well, I am an American that LOVES speedos and is disgusted with the fact that the popular culture from my country has pretty much poisoned their acceptance worldwide, especially among younger generations.
And as far as biased reporting among journalists goes... Mr. Jeremy Pierce of the Gold Coast Bulletin... FUCK YOU!
Re: Budgie smugglers never went out!
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:13 am
by budgybloke
Ha ha - totally agree with you diveguy. Secretly, I imagine the reporter is a little insecure.
But I wouldn't worry too much about him - the Gold Coast Bulletin is a newspaper that Australians with more than a primary school reading ability would probably leave on the shelf. It's good for cleaning the barbecue or wrapping fish and chips though.