Meeting a friend tomorrow. Yay or Nay?
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 4:29 am
So I'm meeting a friend tomorrow for swimming and a catch up. We're both fans of Speedo style swimwear, which is good!
I picked these trunks up from a store in Brighton and they had an RRP price of £60! I was about to put them back down but then I saw they were marked down to £10, which is much more reasonable. So I got them, although unsure of the colour. What do you guys think? Will they be okay? I wasn't sure if the colour looked good against my skin tone or not! Also, having moved to the country 7 months ago I no longer have a gym, so I've lost muscle tone big time since my last post... Do you guys think I can still pull these off?
PS excuse the cheeky selfie, I look rough having just woken up!
I picked these trunks up from a store in Brighton and they had an RRP price of £60! I was about to put them back down but then I saw they were marked down to £10, which is much more reasonable. So I got them, although unsure of the colour. What do you guys think? Will they be okay? I wasn't sure if the colour looked good against my skin tone or not! Also, having moved to the country 7 months ago I no longer have a gym, so I've lost muscle tone big time since my last post... Do you guys think I can still pull these off?
PS excuse the cheeky selfie, I look rough having just woken up!