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Shorts (not swimwear) getting shorter again?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:28 am
by diveguy
Slightly off topic from swimsuits, but are we seeing a trend of men's regular casual shorts and athletic shorts finally getting shorter again? God I hope so. I'd love it if they got back to Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck shorty short length from the '80s and early '90s (anyone remember Stubbies from when they were big here in the US?), before hemlines went down to the knees, and then halfway down between the knees and the ankles. Here's an article I saw regarding the "new" fashion trend of shorts getting shorter. Hopefully this will maybe lead to shorter swim trunks, and if that happens, maybe more dudes will consider going even briefer. ... 47084.html

Re: Shorts (not swimwear) getting shorter again?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:17 am
by electric2010
And remeber what basketball shorts used to look like!