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Pride Season Outfits

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:37 pm
by frankjath
So Gay Pride season is right around the corner and has already began for some. I thought I would start early this year and decided on what I was going to wear to the parade and festival. For the past two years I've gone in my speedo. The first year in my N2N Maverick suit which got me a lot of attention lol. The second year I went in my Speedo Solar red.

I've been looking up how other guys might have incorporated a speedo into their outfit / costume. I had an idea maybe going as a superhero but of course wearing a speedo. One thing I know for sure is that I will still wear a speedo. Would love to hear your guys thoughts. What have you worn in the past or did you have some friends who had cool outfits?

xoxo - Frank