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Speedo Roulette

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:41 am
by ienjoylawnmowers
So this is a little game I've been playing for a couple of reasons.

1. I have quite a few pairs of Speedos now, more than I'd care to count. Choosing which one to wear is becoming a bit of a chore.

2. The more risqué pairs, whether they'd be too tight, too loose, odd material, brightly coloured or something else, tend not to get worn as I chicken out of putting them in my bag before I go for a swim.

I took a whole bunch of envelopes and put each pair in one. I'd then randomly pick one when packing my swim kit and then be forced into wearing whichever pair I had. In order to make sure that I do wear them and don't chicken out entirely, I put my goggles on first which blocks some of my field of vision, and keep my head up. Normally I can make it all the way into the pool before looking down and realising which pair I'm wearing.

Just thought I'd share and recommend for anybody that has a similar problem!

Re: Speedo Roulette

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:25 pm
by fbanks
+1 for that idea! It's totally awesome.

With my luck, I'd get a thong!!!

Re: Speedo Roulette

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:40 pm
by frankjath
Thats so cool! I was trying to decided today which suit to wear to the beach. I was going to go to a non nude beach today so I had picked my N2N Bodywear Maverick in blue however, I decided I would go to Blacks Beach the nude beach so I took my thong because I love wearing thongs but I ended up going nude anyway. I don't think this would work for me because I'd end up wearing a thong to a regular beach and I don't know if I'm ready for that. The closest I got to a thong on a regular beach was my N2N Daredevil. ... d883c1df12 I'm just not ready to wear a thong on a family oriented beach yet lol.

Re: Speedo Roulette

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:30 am
by Nate
This is a great idea, I'm one of those guys who has trouble choosing out of my 20+ pairs which one to wear to the pool, so I think I'll give this a go one day!

I don't have any 'small' risky suits as that's not quite my style, but I have so many designs and colours that it becomes a headache to choose haha

Re: Speedo Roulette

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:50 am
by scott1636
At last count I had around 130 swimsuits of various styles and types..........mostly speedos of various cuts and styles, but some jammers, and some square leg trunks . I usually find it so difficult to decide what to wear that I finally pick maybe 10 that I like and bring them all with me only to once again try to decide which of them to finally wear. I usually end up changing to a different one after each use. Maybe speedo roulette would be the way to go. I like all my speedos, so in reality it probably wouldn't make that much difference to me anyway.