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Double Suiting?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:00 pm
by DrD
I have seen and heard of guys that double suit when swimming does anybody here do it and if so why?

Is it for modesty (i.e. no risk of popping out, or to 'flatten' it all down) or for drag (increased resistance in the water) - just wondering really...


(of course now I go looking for picture I can't find any of double ups or guys with two speedos on... ha!)

Re: Double Suiting?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:16 am
by Cbjr
Never doubled up myself, but knew a couple of water polo guys that did. Their reason was basically for modesty, during the game when suits may get grabbed, not in general. They'd where a really tight one as a base and then another one over it.

Re: Double Suiting?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:06 am
by packedspeedo
I double up when the ass of a suit starts to wear out. I don't necessarily want to moon everyone at the pool, so two suits at once hides that problem.

Re: Double Suiting?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:18 pm
by frankjath
I did a few times. My mom had got me a square cut Sauvage swimsuit when she visited new york for business... but its cut more like a 50's style suit so my dick always sits to one side of the seem and popped out of one of the legs. Luckily when I was in my bedroom so I put a speedo under it because we had a pool party at our house with kids and I couldn't have that happening. Now some times I still like to wear the suit and I put my N2Ns under with the enhancing pouch which helps keep everything in place and shrinkage haha and not to mention a little sexy.

Re: Double Suiting?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:51 am
by DrD
Thanks guys,
Packspeedo: I remember a mate telling me a similar story he would do it the other way around and out the older worn out suit over the new one to protect it.
Cbjr: I do get it for water polo (never played but I have heard it can get a little aggressive and sometime things come off!)
Franjath: I totally get that - when swimming with my kids in the paddling pool (is that swimming or maybe just playing) I wear shorts but strip them off when I swim laps... I should get some square cuts and do what you did - still modest but not as baggy!
Thanks again!

Re: Double Suiting?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:57 pm
by ...:::sam:::...
Ive never doubled up. Admittedly I'd never really thought too much about it.

Re: Double Suiting?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:04 pm
by speedocub
The only reason I can imagine you would want to double up is if you are covering up. Modesty...I guess so. If you have a loose suit or one falling apart, why not wear just the one that isn't? If you wear the loose one on the outside it may be to add drag without having to buy another suit specifically for that purpose.

I have occasionally layered speedos under jammers but that is generally if I go to a new pool where I am not sure of the speedo etiquette...jammers are generally accepted where prudish eyes shun the speedos.

Re: Double Suiting?

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:49 am
by runswimlove
I almost always double suit, with a tighter one under for comfort and a regular one on top for drag and so it covers a little bit more. It's not for modesty, just so I feel comfortable and so I know I can do a flip turn and not come up with no suit, lol.