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Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:27 am
by Silas
Hey guys!

This has always been an awkward issue for me, as I'm pretty shy, but do you guys have any advice on how to tell a guy you're into speedos?
I just don't want them to think I'm weird or anything haha. Is the best approach just to wear one and see what happens?
Let me know :)

Re: Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:06 am
by electric2010
First of all I would like to say that you look great!

I would be inclined to say just wear the suit. Guess the real question would be why are you worried about what this guy thinks. Are you concerned that he will make fun of you, or will stop being your friend? I would hope that it wouldn't matter to him.

I guess another approach might be to bring up a discussion about swimmers, divers, or water polo players, and get his opinion of the types of suits they wear...

Re: Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:43 pm
by fbanks
Leave one out in the open and see where it goes.

I accidentally left my Speedo hanging on a towel bar in the bathroom while on a ski trip. I'll never forget that night when my friend asked if that was my suit, then said that he didn't know I wore 'those'. I was right up front and told him I wore it quite often for swimming, going in the hot tub and at the beach. After the initial silence, it was a bunch of questions.

And yes, I eventually got him to try one!

Re: Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:04 am
by DrD
I posted before in Stories about how I have adjusted to just wear speedos when swimming laps etc. I also tell about how I swam with a mate back home in my speedo - the trick is to at least make it feel natural.
I just walked out of the change room in my speedo - he made a comment about me being the one who took swimming seriously. I just explained that it made it easier and what the darn things where invented for.
By the end of the session he went off to buy a pair to improve his swimming!
Confidence - even if it is just pretend, is the key!
Good luck!

Re: Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:22 am
by ...:::sam:::...
Silas wrote:Hey guys!

This has always been an awkward issue for me, as I'm pretty shy, but do you guys have any advice on how to tell a guy you're into speedos?
I just don't want them to think I'm weird or anything haha. Is the best approach just to wear one and see what happens?
Let me know :)
Especially in Aus I really dont think its a big issue.

Re: Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:19 am
by Nate
I remember when I first started lap swimming with a friend I wasn't confident enough to wear the speedos so I wore them under my boardshorts. When I got changed with him I would take off the boardies and leave the speedos there and I'd tell him it was to keep everything in place as I don't like it flapping about in my boardies and I feel uncomfortable swimming with cotton briefs underneath, he didn't seem to mind.
Then one day I decided to take the plunge, in the car on the way to the pool I mentioned "The smugglers are coming out today, mate, look out!", he laughed as I don't think he thought I was serious. I walked out of the cubicle in just my speedos and he didn't mind at all, he commented "Whoa, I don't know where to look."

After that, whenever we mention swimming in the pub or whatever he'll mention to everyone that I wear speedos, I'll get alot of "Really?" and I just mention that it's so much easier to swim in them - and as I am the best swimmer of my group of friends and the only one who really takes it seriously, they can't really argue with that. Now it's a part of my work uniform too so nobody bats an eyelid.

Just take the plunge, wear them and don't give a damn what they say. Just tell them the benefits of the speedo (lighter, less drag in the water and - as mentioned - it's what they were invented for!). Go for it!

Re: Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:21 am
by T419
Yeah, I reckon in Aus surely it can't be that hard to explain. Most, if not all, lap swimmers wear them.

I always just drop it into conversation before hand casually, to gauge a reaction. Just say how you've always worn them for laps, or that a friend you used to swim with got YOU into them or something... you never know, your mate might try some then too haha

Re: Letting Someone Know You're Into Speedos

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:54 am
by Snowbrief
I remember the first time I jumped into the water in just my speedo, and thought, I have to wear these more often! It is a feeling you never forget.

At the pool, I started by wearing a speedo under my shorts, and in the showers afterward, I would pull off the shorts, leaving the speedo in place so the guys wouldn't be surprised in the pool. Then I took the plunge one day, literally, and nervous as hell, at the starting blocks, I pulled the shorts off, laid it on the starting block (I am by no means a racer so the blocks were a resting place for towels and such,), and quickly jumped into the water. It just got easier day after day and then became the norm by me.

At the lake, I switched to wearing a speedo under my wetsuit (we challenged ourselves to be the first skier's on the lake, and the last for the year, and sometimes while it's snowing before the lake froze over!). Everyone got used to seeing me take the wetsuit off, and dry out in my speedo, and I began feeling more at ease to stay that way for awhile on a nice day. And I've never gone back to shorts at all times.