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Speedo storage?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:27 pm
by brooklynduck
Gang, how do you store your speedos? I've got a bin with them in it. And they're all folded and organized by color, but they're all squeezed in there and I've run out of room! Should they be tightly folded? Would that possibly ruin/damage them? I live in a 700 sqft apartment in Brooklyn so I don't have much room for racks or fancy things. And I don't think I should leave them balled up and in a pile. They're an unusual shape... I mean my undies are flat and laid one on top of another in a big bin... would that be better for the speedos? At least this way currently you can find them pretty quickly by color since you can see the tops of all of them...

Thoughts? I've run out of room!

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:25 am
by Boywear
I'm going to start the replies with something useless as a practical responds, however had to exclaim how fantastic that collection is! No wonder you manage to, seemingly, have soo much speedo fun! Is this just your part of the collection or your Boyfriends as well?

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:18 am
by budgybloke
I'm reeling…..what an awesome collection. They're curated like a museum! I'm very jealous - mine are just chucked into a spare drawer or in my swimming backpack. You put me to shame.

BTW - does my eagle eye see some speedos in there that haven't been posted yet? Pink, purple and green, maybe? Judging by what Aussiebum and Funky Trunks have recently released, it looks like these colours are having a revival. And the world's a better place for it.

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:35 am
by speedoluv
I am so impressed with your collection of swimtrunks and how well organised it is! :) It must be easy for you to find what you want to wear depending on which colour you are in the mood for. I am ashamed to say that I just put my small collection in the drawer of the closet where I can find space, and also in plastic bags.

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:32 am
by brooklynduck
Your compliments on my collection are lovely. But there's nothing lovely about my Speedo incurred debt. HAHAHA! Okay, so most people are drawer or pile folks. Hmm...
I have noticed that sometimes the suits get "wrinkled" when you unfold them. Obviously they're mostly pretty snug so any wrinkles go away upon wearing them. I think if I had printing on them I'd probably not fold them like so.
And yes Budgy... you've seen me in probably less than 1/10th of these. I've got about 20 more that aren't in there! (You will see me in more... don't want to blow my load so soon...)
And I LOVE green. I have a majority of blues, followed by red. Purple is my favorite color. I'd love a pink suit. The pink you see is just part of a gray/white/pink suit. Not yet in that bin are some new brown and orange suits, plus the three I got from Funky Trunks yesterday.
So, looks like I need another bin.
And my boyfriend has his own storage for his small collection (16 suits on our last count.)
Gents, if you think I have a lot of swimwear, you should see my underwear storage! OY!

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:20 am
by Snowbrief
My first thought, my, how anal, organized you are, which then I narrow in to the bin and notice, as Budgy, there are many we have yet to be graced with a view of! I see a long future of brooklynduck on this board.

Mine are just piled on top of each other in a closet, on a shelf, simply neglected....please don't report me to the speedo authorities for speedo abuse! My punishment, report to Brooklyn to learn proper speedo care.

Then you mention a 700 sf Brooklyn apartment, and I think, that's got to be a pretty penny in rent!

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:25 am
by fbanks
WOW! What an impressive collection!!!

I store all of my really good ones laying flat in Zip-Lock bags and stacked in a large drawer. The rest are sort of loose, but still stacked flat.

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:11 pm
by GRSwimmer
I like that storage system! Mine are folded (mostly) in half in a small plastic storage drawer, but I like your solution! I end up rifling through all my suits trying to find "the one", and they all get unfolded...grrr....

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:15 pm
by brooklynduck
Thanks for the insights gents!

As I've said, Snowbrief, yeah, there's lots more to go through for this board, so you're not getting rid of me just yet! Of course I really only try to take pictures during daylight and after I've worked out, 'cause I'm vain as all get out, and that's usually the best lighting and when I'm looking the best! HA! So I've got to get back on the ball and take some more when we have some sunlight! Winter in New York, obviously. And yeah, the boyfriend and I actually own our little bit of Brooklyn home and it cost more money to buy this 1.5 bedroom, 1 bath apartment with a four floor walk up than my dad's house in Ohio that's 2 stories, 2 bedrooms, 3 bath and on a lake. Yeah. That's how ridiculous it is.

I digress. Fbanks... I'm curious, when you say your really good ones, are these suits that see water? Because I'd be concerned that they were ever so slightly damp still and then they'd mold in a plastic bag. What's the point of the plastic? Are the really good ones sort of like vintage comic books, they rarely see the sun's rays? Or is that to protect from moths and things like that?

GRSwimmer, I do like that I can easily search by color. That said, I wanted to post an older picture here the other day and yet I couldn't actually FIND the suit that I was wearing in the picture. I wanted to see what brand it was. I still haven't found it! So... I guess my system isn't fool proof.

Snowbrief, who you calling anal?

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 3:44 am
by budgybloke
brooklynduck, I was more intrigued by Snowie's reference to your 'long future'. I looked and looked, but couldn't see any photos of you in the nude - featuring just you and your long future.

…...And we know it's gotta be long, because we've seen its impressive outline in your speedos.

If that's out off the question, then let's see more of your world-class speedo collection! Apart from those hot grey/pink ones which definitely need a showing, there are a few red pairs in that box too. I'm a total sucker for a red speedo.

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:37 am
by fbanks
brooklynduck wrote: I digress. Fbanks... I'm curious, when you say your really good ones, are these suits that see water? Because I'd be concerned that they were ever so slightly damp still and then they'd mold in a plastic bag. What's the point of the plastic? Are the really good ones sort of like vintage comic books, they rarely see the sun's rays? Or is that to protect from moths and things like that?
I'm talking about some of my very pricey Japanese Speedo's ... the ones that took some effort to get. I have a small collection of tiny suits from overseas including some Asics, Arena, Speedo and TYR. Yes, these actually do get worn, see the light of day, and water, and very occasionally the pool ;), but they are also carefully maintained and stored. It's more to protect them and keep the air from drying them out. Nothing depresses me more than hearing that distinctive crackling noise when I pull on a suit and the elastics or fabric is shot.

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:58 am
by brooklynduck
Ah, I see! Thanks Fbanks, yeah, I didn't even think about the elastic! Yep, that can go pretty easily! I really respect the care you show your suits! Indeed, they are an investment!
Thanks for the suggestions!

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:53 pm
by Norfcountryboy
I seperate out mine into "Handwash only" which I keep for special occassions and "Machine washable", as I sometimes wear those for undies.
I'd agree about not putting them away damp, although I'd never thought about elastic drying out. I've lost a couple of suits that way and it never occured to me that it might be lack of humidity.
The only thing I'd say is to keep them in the dark, as Nylon gets damaged by sunlight, although Polyester is more resilient. I also roll mine losely as I once read that silk ties should be rolled up and never hung on a hanger. Not the same garment or material but it seemed like good advice at the time and I don't have space to keep mine lying flat.
Hope this helps.

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:48 pm
by brooklynduck
Thanks Norfcountryboy. You've all had pretty great suggestions!

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:31 pm
by speedoboyecuador
you have given me an idea on how to storage my speedos, i would need however about 5 containers of the ones you are using since i have colected speedos since i was 7 (meaning speedo brands and others)

Re: Speedo storage?

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:13 am
by ...:::sam:::...
Oh wow! Admittedly I just dry them out and throw them back into my swim bag. Others just get thrown into the drawer or the floordrobe.