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The Masturbation Thread

General speedo discussion - questions/ideas.

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The Masturbation Thread

Post by Nate » Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:43 am


I thought this would be a bit of fun, how about a thread devoted to the art of masturbation? (if you can call it an art haha)

How often do you masturbate? What are your views on masturbation? Do you masturbate in your speedos? Any particular fantasies? Where's the riskiest place you've masturbated? etc. etc. so many questions we could cover.

Basically, I masturbate daily. Have done since I was a young teenager (since 12/13?), rarely do I go through a day without at least once knocking a cheeky one out. Last month I attempted to go the entire of November without masturbating, I lasted 7 days - but the wank was incredible! Haha to put it bluntly it was one of the best orgasms of my life so even though I was a bit gutted about not making the full month, it was worth it to realise that even abstaining from masturbation for just one week can make a whole world of difference.

So now it's December I've decided to challenge myself again - for no reason at all, just to see if i CAN do it, a whole month without masturbation. The start of this month has been easier than the last, mainly because I know that I can go 7 days as I've done it before. What made it difficult last time is that I told my mate who decided to send me the most amazing porn I've ever seen and that sorta tipped me over the edge hah. I haven't told him I'm attempting it this time and it's a lot easier :P
Now it's day 5 I'm starting to feel the struggle but I'm hoping to get there. I'll keep you guys updated haha

So c'mon, ya bunch of wankers. Reveal all :)

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by Boywear » Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:01 am

Well where to go from such a post Nate!

Firstly what a great picture find! I want to make a recreation thread all bout it in speedo photos just to see what us forum guys can doo! I'm sure we'll have fun in the process.

I love to bring speedos and underwear into the situation, after all that's what get me going! As well as me in tight undies and speedos, the other guy has to be as well, be that porn or other.

In regards to holding back for a month, good on ya nate! not sure i could do the same! however, i think the issue isn't holding back but more it became too much of a routine? So lost its edge!

The best "wanks" are unplanned, like when you wake up as hard as etc etc! then not thinking about it for days.. then coming home from work and rag one out!
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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by packedspeedo » Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:29 am

Wow, lots of questions to answer.

A couple times a week, but cumming in an old speedo maybe once a month. I try not to cum into the one I use at the gym, some stains could be embarrassing/telling.

Riskiest place was in the shower at the gym, after catching a nice eyeful from a couple of guys wearing speedos with nice bulges. Of course, that time I didn't have to stroke for long.

Another time I was swimming and a speedo dude joined me in my lane. A few minutes later I came in a huge explosion while nearing the end of the lane where he was standing. I never even touched myself, I just started spurting. I was surprised he didn't notice or say anything, but luckily the water hid the mess.

Fantasy would be to just be with a group of people (guys and girls) only wearing swimwear, but not be at the pool or beach. Maybe it turns to sex, maybe not. But just hanging out in my speedo with other speedos and bikinis/swimsuits would be awesome.

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by samuraispeedo » Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:50 pm

Love this thread idea. I love a good jack off. Ive managed to go two weeks without one, the cum was incredible afterwards. Squirts everywhere! Sometimes the dick just has to explode. In speedos its great, also fun to get ready to cum then pull my dick out and explode over stomach. Just seeing a suit and the feel of them is enough to set me off. Cummed once in my trunks whilst in gym, saw alot of hot bodies and cummed instantly in my suit under shorts. Managed to get back to changing rooms unoticed then walked about in just the speedos. I cummed again in shower in them!

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by swimcmk » Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:58 pm

I have watch and followed along with a lot of masturbation instruction videos with girls giving instructions for guys to follow . I would love to see a guy giving directions for other guys. It would be even better if it involved Speedos.

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by swimcmk » Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:59 pm

The first picture is amazing by the way.

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by Norfcountryboy » Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:34 pm

Wanking in Speedo's fuck yeah!
I love it building up a big boner just by thinking horny thoughts then pulling them down a little bit so it springs free like a rockhard spring. When I'm about to shoot I pull em down to the base of my cock cos I've got a lot of sensation there and it boosts my orgasm.
I can remember been in the pool at about 13 in my navy Arena's and getting really horny just from been almost nude in a public place. I sneaked into the disabled toilet cubicle to have my first wet wank using water as a lube, rather than moisturiser or shower gel [Needs must when you're that age]. I can remember whacking off for ages because the situation was horny but the sensation wasn't that brilliant. By the time I was through I was frozen as I'd been out of the water so long and hadn't towelled off! The other thing I recall from that session is my fantasy that I didn't want my mates to touch me because that would be "Bent" but that I wished they were there to watch and cheer me on.
Aged mid 30's I can definatley tell you that Speedo wanks are better when there not solo. Gentlemen I present the black art of "Cockfighting". A game for two warriors!
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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by Norfcountryboy » Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:11 pm

Nate wrote:
So now it's December I've decided to challenge myself again - for no reason at all, just to see if i CAN do it, a whole month without masturbation. The start of this month has been easier than the last, mainly because I know that I can go 7 days as I've done it before. What made it difficult last time is that I told my mate who decided to send me the most amazing porn I've ever seen and that sorta tipped me over the edge hah. I haven't told him I'm attempting it this time and it's a lot easier :P
Now it's day 5 I'm starting to feel the struggle but I'm hoping to get there. I'll keep you guys updated haha
Hey Nate,
How's your challenge going, have you buckled and whacked one off yet?
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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by Nate » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:40 pm


I've failed

:( haha

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by solarguy » Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:02 pm

I'm sure you gave it a good shot!!

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by Snowbrief » Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:17 pm

Nate wrote:UPDATE:

I've failed

:( haha
You made it a 1/3rd of the month, nothing to be ashamed of there! I bet the release was mind blowing!!!....pun intended ;)

And what a way to start this thread, with a fantastic three-stripper! :p
Let's keep it brief.

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by Boywear » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:02 pm

Ohh Nate! you lasted long enough! ;-)
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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by speedoboi » Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:17 pm

In all honesty, I don't like to masturbate. I prefer sex or getting off from from some sensual-erotic massage, fun in the steam room with another guy or sex.

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by electric2010 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:51 am

I love to masturbate. I have more chance to masturbate than I do to have sex. I do it wearing a speedo when I can. Usually put a cock ring around the base of my balls, or tie them so that they hang low & bounce back and forth. I'll stand up & pull the speedo down so that my balls just brush against the waistband. The balls rubbing accross that waistband feels so good & causes a fantastic orgasm!

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by speedo 123 » Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:22 pm

The first every time i cummed was in speedo. I got naked and put my speedos on and got in bed and started humping my pillow. I cummed inside.

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by fbanks » Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:20 pm

My views on masturbation have changed over the years. As soon as I figured it out, it was almost a necessity to relieve pressure … tension … amuse myself … whatever. Something that everyone did … but never admitted to it. Yes, I have done it on a regular basis … weekly … daily … multiple times … whatever that may be at the time.

Speedos? Yeah … it has happened in and out of them and everywhere in between. More ways than I can describe.

But now, it has become more of a transcendental experience. Something that I really enjoy doing, and now no longer focus on all about getting off as fast as I can, but actually take the time to work myself into a nice happy ending, getting some good lubricant, relaxing, and slowly bringing myself to a really good orgasm, no matter how long it takes.

Not that there isn’t anything wrong with a quick jerk … I do that too.

Done the depravation thing many times. My cock always wins in the end.

Best fantasy? I had a big one. Being totally restrained and having someone stroke me until I am almost there, then stopping and starting again, over and over until I can’t take it any longer and just finally explode. Yeah … had that happen. Mind-blowing experience. Doing it to yourself, you know all the hot spots, the sensation, how to push your buttons. Someone else doing it? And you have no control? Total hotness!
Check My Collection in Photos ... always adding new pictures! Fletch.

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by ReservedEnthusiast » Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:55 pm

I think this thread is worth reviving!

I masturbate daily. I've done so since I was about 12, though I started getting boners at 11. I can hardly survive the day without cumming at least once. I can focus even better if I release twice, once when I wake up and once again before bed. Recently I've had a pretty big upsurge in libido and I don't know why!

I view it as a necessity if I'm not to explode, in more than one sense! Lol. I do recognize that it is a taboo subject, so I never get to talk about it with friends. I've only ever talked about it on this and another board, and to a therapist that I was seeing one summer.

Two times I tried going a period of time without masturbating, but the first time I only lasted 7 days, and the second 8, and both times the sensations at the end were beyond description! The second time I tried, my balls actually ached by the 5th or 6th day, so I didn't make it much further beyond that. I ended up edging too many times, too. I also found I could think about almost nothing else besides wanking, sex, speedos, my hot guy friends, etc.

The riskiest place I've ever wanked was under my desk in class in middle school. I tried to be as discrete as possible, but I doubt I was very discrete at all! Nobody ever said anything though. I suppose my fantasy would be to do it with and to another guy to see what it's like. Preferably someone my age/in my class. I imagine getting one of my friends to try on a speedo for the first time and/or lending him one of mine to try on, and then he'd be hard from the sensation, and I would tell him not to be embarrassed because the same thing's happened to me... I'll let you fill in the details from there!

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by swimmy » Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:54 pm

I went to the doctor last week for my yearly physical. He said I have absolutely got to stop masturbating. I asked him why. He said "because I'm trying to give you a physical!"

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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by Norfcountryboy » Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:19 pm

So Dave's 1500th post viewtopic.php?f=4&t=140695&p=253349#p253349 inspired me to record myself knocking one out in my Speedo's.
A bit of background. My local pool has this (Stoopid) "Changing Village" policy where you get changed in a little cabin thing like you have something to hide. Makes me want to kick back against it. Luckily it also has private shower cubicles I assume for swimmers to masturbate and have sex in? And a couple of totally enclosed shower rooms for those who are more "Vocal".
It also attracts a lot of college age serious swimmers so it's lycra-city whenever I go there and I've got into the habit of relieving some of my sex energy in those thoughtfully provided private showers. Then rinsing off and back to the pool.
Good dirrty un-PC fun!
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Re: The Masturbation Thread

Post by VPL » Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:41 pm

great "job" norf!

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