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Hilarious speedo movie

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:43 pm
by ffboy357
I think this movie is fun in a good way regarding speedos.
(most of it is in English)

here it is in just English:

Re: Hilarious speedo movie

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:49 am
by diveguy
Heh, I've been meaning to post a link to that vid as part of a discussion on places that used to be all speedo but are fast becoming less so. Even Australia, the birthplace of the speedo no less. So sad it's even a topic of debate among young men there. Many are rejecting the speedo in favor of hideously awful american styled "boardies". Sad. But many still like the speedos, thankfully. But what I hate is the attitude amongst the speedo haters towards speedos and those that still enjoy wearing them. Let the dudes wear what the fuck they want to wear and keep your 'tudes to yourselves. That kind of shit is all too prevalent in America, no need for it to spread to the rest of the world, especially Australia.

I like the exchanges however with some of the women:

Big ol' tons-o'-fun at :58 seconds into it doesn't like the speedos, but...

The hot little cutie right after at 1:05 likes the speedos! I love that girl! And so does the hot looking blonde at 1:14!

The more beautiful women that love seeing men in speedos, the more hope there is for the world!

Re: Hilarious speedo movie

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:54 am
by ffboy357
Generally, people who are not OK with their bodies disapprove people who are OK and wearing speedos...
And I want to say - not OK with your body is generally what's in your head and less how you really look.

Like you know, I feel bad, like the first girl and I so hate all people who look confident in skimpy suits.
And it is so comfortable that I can spit poison against speedo people instead of hating myself for not looking as I wish to look.

That is what I think is in the minds of persons like the first girl.

Re: Hilarious speedo movie

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:57 am
by ffboy357
I mean, if it was not the screwed-up morality, gays and whatever else that is only part of people's own mind, what one will say against a person in speedo? See, the whole thing is not real!

The girl in the movie - what she will say - if all these prejudices were non existent?
"OOOOO, I so hate him looking so damn sexy in the suit.!"

You know why - because I really doubt that she, deep down, is not approving sexiness or is homophobic or something like this....

Re: Hilarious speedo movie

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:16 am
by crazyboy
Do you know the brand of that black Lifeguard speedo he's wearing in the movie?

Re: Hilarious speedo movie

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:11 am
by Nate
crazyboy wrote:Do you know the brand of that black Lifeguard speedo he's wearing in the movie?
I'm sure they are Speedo, they mske suits specifically for the lufeguards as far as I know, i could be wrong.