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positioning in a trisuit

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:04 am
by packedspeedo
I recently signed up for my first triathlon. I bought a trisuit. It feels and looks great. The problem is my equipment moves around in it and if I get excited it is very pronounced. That's not a problem I was expecting as I've gotten used to jammers and briefs holding everything in place. I don't want to wear a speedo under the trisuit, as that may rub me badly on the bike stage. I tried a smaller trisuit, but it was far too tight on my chest/shoulders. Thoughts?

Re: positioning in a trisuit

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:14 am
by Speedo_arena
I have been doing triathlons for a few years. I have trisuits by Orca, 2XU, Zoot & Voler. You don't want to be too tight because your balls will suffer. I agree that a speedo between you and the padding is a bad idea. Live with your boys moving around a bit. Wear the suit on a few bike rides or open water swims to get assimilated. Wearing a triathlon wetsuit for the swim might also help keep things in place.

As with that first time you wore a tight speedo and your cock swelled, you will get used to wearing it. Oh wait, I am speaking about my own experience, haha. Focus on the activity and not the hot men surrounding you. Also when you hit the water, the adrenaline will spike, your boys will shrink and you will be focused on the race.

Oh and when the race is over, you might be exhausted enough to keep your erection at bay but enjoy the eye candy at the finish. Good luck, have fun and train hard.