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Instagram Obsession

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 5:36 pm
by frankjath
Hi guys, I think I'm obsessed with Instagram. There seems to be a thriving speedo community there. If you search the hashtag #speedo or #instaspeedo lol. Is anyone on there? You can follow @frankjath.

Re: Instagram Obsession

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:55 am
by speedoboyecuador
have seen your profile, I have seen some of your colection of swimwear, just to let you know, in my total colection of speedos, arena, N2N, joe snyder, etc, i have colected more than 500 pairs of swimwear and some speedos also from Japan thanks to friend that travels there for work, like your small colection thou

Re: Instagram Obsession

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:19 pm
by frankjath
Thanks @speedoboyecuador 500 pairs wow thats a dream collection I'm working my way up there. I probably have about 20 swimsuits at the moment but thats no where near 500. I was looking into japan style suits I love how small and form fitting they are unlike American brands. I usually by from online retailers but I was looking on ebay and I've found you can get practically the same suits a lot cheaper. Have you had any experience buying swimsuits from ebay? Your lucky to have a friend who travels to Japan because those suits are expensive to import.

Re: Instagram Obsession

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:22 am
by airsteward81
I use instagram to check out the hot boys in speedos too ...
search for "sunga", the brazilian boys are the sexiest!!!!