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The locker room

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:16 am
by uni swimmer
Ok so I know I don't have any pictures on here just yet so don't think I am been creepy or anything for asking this but.....

I love swimming and have being swimming nearly always twice a week in between uni work, The thing is I really love locker rooms and not for the reasons you may think, Im kind of curious but got a girlfriend at the moment.
I love the way guys are just guys hanging out.
I still don't have a speedo and really want to wear one I was thinking id start to wear it under my shorts and than lose the shorts hopefully.
the locker room I use has open showers with 6 shower heads with 3 on each wall. ive never been naked in there but just the other day a really fit guy my age took up the shower head next to me and totally stripped, I really want o to be more easy going like that.
guys who swim on the night usually about 50/50 naked showers and in shorts, and if you get there when the older swim teams finish practice the showers are packed with naked guys.

so please don't say whats this about.... its just about the locker room experience. whats your locker room like ?

Re: The locker room

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:49 am
by BozeHawk
What's my locker room experience?

It is where I undress from street clothes to what I'm wearing for whatever sport I am about to do. Swimming togs if I'm swimming, shorts and t-shirt for exercise or most any game. Afterwards it is where I strip and get clean (maybe a little time in the sauna to unwind and relieve sore muscles), then get dressed and go on my way.

What it is not is a bar, a meat market, or a place to openly ogle and bother other people. And it is definitely not a sex club.

Re: The locker room

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:52 am
by uni swimmer
that's my point bosehawk, im not that into guys anyway but, I mean locker rooms are great but not sexually.

Re: The locker room

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:57 pm
by obrasileiro
Dear Uni Swimmer,

It sounds like you really want to experience the speedo experience. Why not first try the speedo on, take a shower in the locker room and then go into the sauna. Focus on your experience your body will give you of freedom!!!!. In most saunas, full nudity is not allowed anyway. You have to cover yourself with a towel if nude . But if you wear a speedo, this is legitimate cover and you can walk out of the shower and into the sauna and not be concerned.

Try it, you will like it.

Re: The locker room

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:05 am
by zaps
uni swimmer wrote:the locker room I use has open showers with 6 shower heads with 3 on each wall. ive never been naked in there but just the other day a really fit guy my age took up the shower head next to me and totally stripped, I really want o to be more easy going like that.
You need to build yourself up to that. I used to be very afraid of the open showers at my university's gym because I had never been required to shower in high school and was therefore afraid of being naked in front of others, but I got over it. My trick was to shower when the gym was practically empty, so I had the shower room to myself. The first couple times I was super nervous and got a random boner. After a few times, it wasn't a new experience for me and stopped getting erections; you get used to being naked in the shower room. A couple weeks later, I was comfortable enough that I would take showers even with other people there. With 12 shower heads, I've been in there with as many as 10 other people; at that point it's just crowded.
whats your locker room like ?
It was a huge, winding room with a lot of lockers. There weren't really any wide open spaces. There was a restroom by the entrance from the lobby, and a restroom by the showers on the far end of the locker room. There is a sauna full of old naked men who seem to be there at every time of the day. (No seriously, there was one guy I would see every time I went, morning or afternoon, and I only saw him in the locker room.) On the far end of the showers was a door leading into the pool.

I've recently graduated and go to a smaller fitness center. They don't have a locker room because it's so small, just a changing room and a single shower.